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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1912 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1910] PROCEEDINGS OE THE BOARD OE TRUSTEES. 57 Paper B—State June 30, 1910. Feeding experiments... Fire protection Floriculture.... Graduate School Appropriations—Concluded. Year. 1909-1911 1909-1911 1909-1911 1909-1911 1909-1911 1907-1909 1909-1911 1909-1911 Appropriated. $50,000 00 $3,000 00 $16,000 00 $100,065 95 $8,000 00 $50,000 00 $8,100 12 8,100 12. Expended. $30,954 49 $1,580 69 $9,311 23 $33,742 14 $3,938 34 $27,415 40 Balance. $19,045 51 $1,419 31 $6,688 77 $66,323 81 $4,061 66 $22,584 60 $8,100 12 6,193 08 $14,293 20 $1,745 92 $12,542 96 $22,596 88 $9,511 10 $1,570 01 $35,000 00_ $35,000 00 Heating and lighting plant. Interest on endowment fund— Agricultural College General . ... $1,907 04 $16,200 24 ' $'1,907_04 Law library stacks Law.School.-. Library. r 1909-1911 1909-1911 1909-1911 1909-1911 1909-1911 Operating expenses— Board expense. ^ Brake shoe testing machine School of Education Catalog and advertising Furniture and fixtures Geology Heat and. light Law School Lectures •. Library newspaper racks Library book shelves and stacks . Salaries for instruction Stationery, printing and postage Summer session Unassigned . . 1909-1911 $10,000 00 • $33,000 00 $50,000 00 $15,000 00 $6,000 00 $8,254 08 $20,457 04. $27,403 i2 $5,488 90 $4,429 99 ... $ 9,728 73 $ 9,728 73 2,255 33 4,376 84 418 87 1,000 00 3,800 00 8 ,500 00 3,870 91 7,288 81 321 61 823 65 33,325 23 51,295 65 333 75 4,000 00 1,947 93 6,893 58 5 25 478 33 2,130 50 429,35109 405,766 02 80,474 34 85,881 79 9,963 02 13,330 50 24,319 68 24,860 20 399,641 46 $1,050,000 00 $576,111 90 $ 2,121 51 418 87 1,000 00 4,700 00 3,417 90 502 04 17,970 32 3,666 25 4,945 65 473 08 2,130 50 23,585 07 5,407 45 3,367 48 540 52 399,641 46 $473,888 10 $6,903 36 $3,603 00 $5,785 00 $12,241 05 $2,448 79 $23,975 92 $45,890 26 Treatment of orchards Pavements and walks Pharmacy, School of 1909-1911 1909-1911 1909-1911 1907-1909 $30,000 00 $5,000 00 $20,000 00 $23,096 64 $1,397 00 $14,215 00 $250,000 00 $237,758 95 $10,000 00 $50,000 00 $120,000 00 $1,500 00 $250,000 00 $30,000 00 $3,000 00 -$6,00000 $10,000 00 $6,519 90 $7,551 21 $26,124 08 $74,109 74 $1,500 00 $38,430 83 $14,755 96 $1,916 56 Shop practice 1909-1911 1909-1911 1909-1911 Telephone exchange University Hall Veterinary college res. lab Water station Water station Water survey * ' j 1909-1911 1909-1911 1907-1909 1907-1909 1909-1911 „ 1909-1911 $211,569 17 $15,244 04 $1,083 44 $6,000 00 $3,480 10
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