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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

66 UNIYEESITY OF ILLINOIS. [Jan. 23 in practice as a public accountant for not less than five years next prior to the passage of this act, outside of the State of Illinois, who shall have passed an examination equivalent, in the opinion of the University of Illinois, to the examination to be held under the provisions of this act." The applicants in question, think that under the second half of this clause, they are eligible. The point is whether the words "who shall apply in writing within one year after the passage of this act," apply to those who have been practicing in Illinois as public accountants and who are described in section 3, by the words before the semicolon; or whether they apply also to those described in the second half of the paragraph immediately following, beginning, "also to any person." .. The second question relates to the interpretation of "place for the regular transaction of business * *' * in the State of Illinois." Some of the applicants are members of firms with headquarters in New York City and offices in Chicago. These applicants may, probably, at times come to Illinois on the business of the firm in accountancy matters; but, for the most part, spend their time and practice their profession in the head office or elsewhere than in Illinois. Is the requirement of the law that the applicant shall have a regular place for business in Illinois satisfied if the applicant be a member or employ6 of a firm practicing under the circumstances noted above? The board will be greatly obliged to you for your opinion of these questions. Very truly yours, W. L. PILLSBTJRY, Registrar. STATE OF ILLINOIS, OFFICE OF ATTORNEY GENERAL, SPRINGFIELD, October 9, 1906. W. L. Pillsbury, Esq.,.Registrar, Universitiy of Illinois, Urbana, 111., DEAR SIR:—I beg to aknowledge the receipt of your favor of the 29th ult. You state that some of the applicants for certificates as certified public accountants are members of firms with headquarters in New York City and offices in Chicago; that these applicants may probably at times come to Illinois on the business of the firm in accountancy matters, but for the most part spend their time and practice their profession in the head office or elsewhere than in Illinois, and you ask if the requirement of the law that the applicant shall have a place for the regular transaction of business as a professional accountant in the State of Illinois is satisfied if the applicant be a member or employe of a firm practicing under the circumstances noted above. Section 1 of chapter 110-a, Hurd's Revised Statutes, provides: "That any citizen of the United States or person who has duly declared his intention of becoming such citizen, having a place for the regular transaction of business as a professional accountant in the State of Illinois, * * * and who shall have received from the University of Illinois a certificate of his qualifications to practice as a public expert accountant as hereinafter provided, shall be styled and known as a "Certified Public Accountant," etc." It will be seen that the persons who may avail themselves of the benefits of this act are not confined to those who are residents of the State of Illinois, but that "any citizen of the United States," having a place for the regular transaction of business as a professional accountant in the State of Illinois, may do so. It is therefore my opionion that applicants who are members of firms with headquarters in cities outside of the State of Illinois, but have offices for the regular transaction of business within the State of Illinois, are eligible for such certificates. In regard to your other inquiry, I will state that section 3 of said act provides as follows: "The University of Illinois may, in their discretion, under regulations provided by their rules, waive all or any part of the examination of any applicant possessing the qualifications mentioned in section 1 who shall have had five successive years' previous experience as a public accountant previous to the date of application, who shall apply in writing within one year after the passage of this act, and who shall have been practicing in this State as a public accountant, on his own account, for a period of not less than one year next
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