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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

to o E X H I B I T A—STATEMENT S H O W I N G T R I A L BALANCE AT T H E BEGINNING AND E N D I N G O F P E R I O D W I T H P E R I O D J A N U A R Y 1, 1906, T O J U N E 30, 1906. CASH ENTRIES J A N U A R Y l, 1906. TO J U N E 30, 1906. CASH AND W A R R A N T ENTRIES— L£2 T R I A L BALANCE J A N U A R Y 1, 1906. ' ACCOUNT. WARRANT ENTRIES TRANSFER ENTRIES J A N U A R Y l, 1906. J A N U A R Y 1, 1906. TO TO J U N E 30, 1906. J U N E 30, 1906. TRIAL BALANCE J U N E 30, 1906. &d O O Dr. H . A. Haugan, Treasuser Students 1 deposits .. Current account Salaries, instruction Salaries, services Building's and grounds Heat and light Academy . . . Stationery and printing Agricultural College Departments... Laboratories Library and apparatus Incidentals Edward Snyder fund. . . . Edward Snyder fund intrest. Soil examination receipts; . . . Water survey receipts. . . . Ceramic receipts F e e d i n g experiment receipts Chicago cold storage . . U. S. Adams fund . . . Treatment orchard receipts ... Corn experiment receipts Dairy investigation receipts Agricultural e q u i p m e n t receipts School of Music Rural school conference Accoutancy... Illinois libraries Y . M . C. A. h a n d b o o k . . . . . . . . .. . . .. $265,468 67 9,428 50 2,065 36 73 91 358 24 1,417 68 7,986 00 129 85 1,469 09 3,533 90 Cr. Dr. $479,854 58 Cr. Dr. Cr. $526,493 93 Dr. Cr. Dr. $218,829 32 Cr. ts fej § $ 46,717 26 ui $ 10,284 10 54,283 44 100 50 27 81 8,951 33 $ 7,741 66 32,610 00 1,038 35 1,217 85 4,047 75 < 942 16 54i 4i 2,495 15 7,261 89 11,254 19 2,771 93 742 29 70 00 62 92 936 08 1,339 37 312 97 631 88 250 00 555 00 11,452 33 500 00 1,065 147 1,924 82 78 82 03 50 $ 6,495 52 2,097 88 837 00 498 49 6,129 96 159 72 9,758 06 3,801 51 7,768 62 74 94 1,862 80 1,630 00 300 00 2,783 86 12,160 06 5,000 00 216 00 78 11 303 81 10 05 $ 18,025 76 62,088 67 $ 21,912 49 15,924 02 4,163 24 301 85 747 17 2,156 12 517 96 939 12 2,447 26 15,012 33 134 79 3,268 97 1,878 24 • 554 38 P O W tet td O 11,386 58 > U O 3,824 53 343 17 250 00 555 00 6,554 16 500 00 647 47 2,543 68 687 37 5,853 72 .1,596 45 to d UI ui 5,000 00 . . .• . 161 72 563 04 . . 117 80 100 00 229 27 647 47 1,693 90 539 55 3,929 69 1,589 26 tei 300 00 157 33 563 04 - 11 00 127 85 100 00 229 27 ~ OX
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