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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1907] PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES. 72a College of Medicine No. Date. To Whom. Warrants—Continued. For What. Amount. .1907 327 Oct. Hardware 31 Wm. J. Maas 328 ..do Goodhart's Laundry L a u n d r y work 329 ..do Wm. Dilley 330 ..do 331 ..do . .do ..do 832 ..do Journal Printing Co 333 ..do ..do T h e Plexus Board and room 334 ..do West Side Hospital J. Z. Des Fosses 335 ..do Advertising T h e Kansas City Star 336 S. S. W h i t e Dental Mfg. C o . . Dental supplies 337 ..do Printing 338 ..do J o h n Lupton Consolidated Dental Mfg. Co. Advertising 339 ..do Platinum 340 ..do T h o m a s , J . D . & Co 341 ..do Labor and material H . W . Cole 342 ..do D. A. C. Steele, Actuary Expenses Lumber 343 ..do Peter Wallin ..do Western L u m b e r Co 344 ..do Plastering C . S . Nielsen 345 ..do Glass H. M. Hooker & Co 346 Plumbing Hamblin P u m b i n g Co 337 ..do Rent, etc 348 ..do R . C . McCormick Rent, October, 1907 L a n g d o n Estate 349 Lamps 350 ..do Hauling 351 ..do EdwiD Hair 352 ..do Electric supplies Illinois Electric Co P. McGarry & Son Repair boiler 353 .do Coal E. Puttkammer 354 355 ..do :. Chicago Engineer Supply Co. Plugs Coal 356 ..do W. C. L u h n o w Coal Co t Hose 357 ..do Crandall Packing Co H . J . W a y man Labor and material 358 ..do Supplies 359 ..do Cook & Chick Co Labor and material 360 ..do Becker Bros 361 Alex H . Revell & Co T h e A. H . Andrews Co . .do... * 362 ..do Casters 363 ..do Jars 364 ..do Burley & Co Instruments 365 ..do V. Mueller & Co Gowns J o h n H. Drake Co 366 ..do Dry goods 367 ..do Marshall Field & Co Supply Departmentof Murine 368 ..do Laboratory supplies Biological Laboratorj' . .do Seabury & J o h n s o n 369 ..do Frogs 370 ..do B . F . McCurdy Fuller & h u l l e r C o 371 .do F ees 372 ..do Tubing 373 ..do W . H. Salisbury & Co 374 ..do Chicago Medical Book C o . . . . Book and office supplies Printing 375 ..do . .do 376 . d o . . . . . . . . Illinois State Reformatory Office supplies 377 ..do A. B. Dick Co Service 378 ..do A. C. McClurg & Co 379 ..do Inspecting boilers 3 SO ..do City Collector of Chicago Music \....... 381 ..do Frank B. Karle 382 ..do Chicago Towel Supply Co ... Towel supplies Advertising Frink & Y o u n g 383 ..do . .do 384 ..do c 385 ..do Brewster Dental Co Salary, November, 1907 386 Nov. 30 Harry O. W h i t e Maxmilian Kuznik 387 ..do 388 ..do ,-do, George P . Dreyer 389 ..do . .do Herbert B. W e n t z ..do 390 ..do W m . A. Evans 391 ..do ::do::::::::::::::::.::::::::::::::::::: 392 ..do Charles C. O'Byrne ..do 393 ..do Bernard Fantus : ..do 394 ..do Edw. L. Heintz . ..do 395 ..do ..do 396 ..do Jean M. Cooke ..do 397 ..do Frank E. W y n e k o o p 398 ..do Rachelle S. Yarros ,.do ..do 399 . . d o . . . . . . . . Frank B. Earle . .do 400 ..do W m . H. Browne ..do ."". 401'..do $ 3 31 28 34 15 00 -10 00 33 00 37 73 56 25 94 00 20 00 7 63 76 98 19 25 12 00 8 83 133 50 79 61 1 35 2 80 4 00 4 55 13 65 18 05 17 00 6 00 5.00 8 46 3 70 62 26 1 02 39 10 9 50 6 00 38 90 9 51 9 35 64 46 1 80 7 50 9 00 4 50 34 01 53 30 50 44 2 00 549 78 154 03 9 90 70 86 36 40 17 20 6 20 67 00 1 30 11 00 30 00 35 26 13 98 22 66 12 56 75 00 25 00 37 50 250 00 75 00 150 00 75 00 100 00 87 50 31 25 100 00 187 50 50 00 100 00166 67 60 00
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