Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

684 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. [May 29 General University Warrants—Continued. No. Date. To Whom. For What. Amount, 12275 12276 12277 12278 12279 12280 12281 12282 12283 12284 12285 12286 12287 12288 1908 May 29 Walker & Mulliken . .do Toledo Pattern Works Pittsburg M eter Co Urbana & Champaign way, Gas & Electric Co Harbison-Walker Refractories Co G. H . Read & Bro Caryl Kelley, Fuller & Fuller Co F. K. Robeson Brietkopf & Hartel Irving' Squire Co American Short Horn American Engineering & Furniture Lumber Meter Coke Chemicals Bug cages Awning Services Drugs, etc Dry goods Books Book Books » $107 34 18 30 11 25 26 £5 20 00 2 00 350 00 18 00 4 24 25 80 11 57 7 45 7 00 3 30 5 30 4 85 209 72 3 00 5 12 ' 19 20 7 40 2 67 1 50 1 82 2 08 1 37 12 30 35 00 3 50 301 88 612 10 35 01 35 50 16 50 678 55 9 60 5 50 11 15 5 54 283 34 20 10 6 40 18 00 4 00 1 75 18 26 17 20 49 73 5 50 180 50 511 79 29 50 20 00 8 65 24 Q0 11 50 800 00 2 75 34 47 63 33 66 37 125 Q4 20 00 10 2.0 19 31 25 92 30 Q0 25 00 9 60 21 90 , 12289 12290 12291 12292 12293 12294 12295 12296 12297 12298 12299 12300 12301 12302 12303 12304 12305 12306 12307 12308 12309 12310 12311 12312 12313 12314 12315 12316 12317 12318 12319 12320 12321 12322 12323 12324 12325 12326 12327 12328 12329 12330 12331 12332 12333 12334 12335 12336 12337 12338 12339 12340 12341 12342 12343 12344 . .do .do .do, .do .do .do Bennett's Newspaper & Magazine Subscription A g e n c y . Periodicals J. A. Bergstrom Key Instruments Truax, Greene & Co Apparatus Eimer & A m e n d Geo. W. DeSmet E. W . Hilker F e e d & Coal Co Cases J. L . Armstrong Electrical supplies Advertising Engraving J u e r g e n s Bros. Co H . W . Johns-Manville C o . . . Packing Supplies T h e P^lliott Co Graton & K n i g h t Mfg. C o . . . . Belt supplies Apparatus T h e Scientific Shop F . H . Gilson Co Laboratory supplies E H Sargent & Co Mittendorf & Kiler Furniture H o h m a n n & Mauer Mfg. Co . Illinois State Reformatory.... Printing Oil p u m p Packing Snow Steam P u m p Works Drills Electric Appliance W o r k s . . . . Electrical supplies Iron work E. M. Burr & Co Crosby Steam Gauge & Valve Springs Co Paint O. L . Pettidider K n a p p Electric Novelty Co .. Motors S. S. W h i t e Dental Mfg. Co .. Repairs Freight, etc G. W . Sheldon & Co Labor of m e n Illinois Traction System Western Electric Co T h e E . G. Hill Co Printing Urbana Courier Co Books G. E. Stechert & Co Hotel bill Chas. B. Hatch Implements N. T. Peirce E . V. Lawrence W . P. Flint C . G. H o p k i n s J . W . Baird C. H . Oathout W . G. Eckhardt F . A. Jorgenson R o y Charles J . M . F r y & Son L.G.Parker C. E . L e e W . C. Matthews Opal Lockwood S. C . Clark M a y m e Batterson Crating and shipping cones Filed expenses Expenses . .do Ditching Services Surveying Salary, May, 1908 Wages, M a y , 1908 . .do .do : „