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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

34 UNIVERSITY Of? I L L I N O I S . H. A. H A U G A N , T R E A S U R E R , I N A C C O U N T W I T H T H E S E P T . 29, 1906. [Dec. 11 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS, Jane July 1906 Dr. 30 Balance per last statement $277,426 67 1 Received from College of Dentistry for credit of College of Medicine fund $ 725 17| 1 Received from College of Medicine for credit of College of Medicine fund 1,050 91 2 Received from College of Physicians and Surgeons, i terest on bonds for credit of College of Medicine fund 120 00 12 Received from United States government, Adams fund for credit general fund 1,750 00] 12 Received from United States government, Adams fund for credit general fund 5,000 00| 12 Received from United States Treasurer for credit of) Agricultural E x p e r i m e n t Station 3,750 00 16 Received from School of Pharmacy for credit of School of Pharmacy fund 310 00 19 Received from O. K. Staples for credit of general fund 10,000 00 24 Received from College of Medicine for credit of College 295 80 of Medicine fund 28 Received from State Auditor for credit of general fund 171,971 38 31 Received from School of Pharmacy for credit of School 45 00 of Pharmacy fund August 1 Received from School of Pharmacy for credit of School of Pharmacy fund „ 197 84 1 Received from Michigan State T e l e p h o n e Co., interest| 62 50 on bonds for credit of general fund ; 1 Received from Michigan State T e l e p h o n e Co.,dividend 15 00 on preferred stock, for credit of general fund 2 Received from College of Medicine for credit ot College 525 05 of Medicine fund Received from College of Dentistry for credit of College • 737 03 of Medicine fund Received from School of Pharmacy for credit of School 60 00 of Pharmacy fund 5,000 00 Received from O. E. Staples for credit of general fund . Received from School of Pharmacy for credit of School 75 00 of Pharmacy fund ... 36,250 00 Received from State Auditor for credit of general fund Received from School of Pharmacy for credit of School 145 00 of Pharmacy fund September Received from School of Pharmacy for credit of School 277 92 of Pharmacy fund Received from College of Dentistry for credit of College 270 35 of Medicine fund Received from College of Dentistry for credit of College 900 80 of Medicine fund Received from School of Pharmacy for credit of School 215 00 of Pharmacy fund Received from School of Pharmacy for credit of School| 210 00 of Pharmacy fund Received from' College of Medicine for credit of College 807 55 of Medicine fund Received from School of Pharmacy for credit of School • 253 36| of Pharmacy fund Received from College of Medicine for credit of College 2,006 91 of Medicine fund 10,000 001 Received from O. E. Staples for credit of general fund.. Received from School of Pharmacy for credit of School 710 00 of Pharmacy fund Received from School of Pharmacy for credit of School 1,745 00 of Pharmacy fund Received from School of Pharmacy for credit of School 540 00 of Pharmacy fund Received from School of Pharmacy for credit of School 965 00| of Pharmacy fund Received from College of Medicine for credit of Collegei 10,221 65 of Medicine fund * Received from School of Pharmacy for credit of School 658 Ooi of Pharmacy fund Received from School of Pharmacy for credit of School 355 00J of Pharmacj" fund ". Received from School of Pharmacy for credit of School| 380 29 of Pharmacy fund $268,602 51 $546,029 18
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