Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

574 UNIVEESITY OF ILLINOIS [Nov. 20 General University No. Date. 1907 To Whom. Warrants—Continued. F o r What. Amount. 4136 Nov. 12 W . T . Craig 4137 H.C.Keller 4138 4139 4140 Illinois Magazine 4141 .do W . C. Maddox 4142 4143 G. E . Stechert & Co 4144 4145 O . E . Staples, chief clerk 4146 T h e Chas. Strelinger Co 4147 S . W . Shattuck 4148 Dean & Bode Mfg. Co 4149 C. S. Lyles 4150 R . W . Gentle 4151 4152 F r e d H . Rankin 4153 ,. 4154 H . E . Hodgkiss 4155 E . H . Sargent & Co 4156 Walker & Mulliken 4157 M . C. Tanquary 4158 O . A . Leutwiler 4159 F . O . Dufour 4160 F . O . Cross 4161 F r e d H . Rankin 4162 Fred H . Scribner 4163 G. E . Sanders 4164 A. P . Lething 4165; 4166 W . S. Bayley 4167 4168 .do Chemical department 4169 State station soils 4170 4171 C. E. department 4172 Steam*department 4173 4174 Barr & Sons 4175 C.R.Clark 4176 4177 C. C. Chapman 4178 S. W . Burnett 4179 B. G. T e u b n e r 4180 C. E. Smith 4181 E m m a F . Bryan 4182 T. H e n s o n 4183 Carl R. Dick 4184 J. W . H a r p 4185 . .do 4186 F. Cunningham 4187 , 4188 Electrical d e p a r t m e n t 4189 H. A. Hollister 4190 Central Union T e l e p h o n e Co. 4191 W. C. Bagley 4192 T . H . Flood & Co 4193 .do P. Adams 4194 R o y Charles 4195 4196 . . d o . . . . . . . . 4197 C. S . H i l l 4198 E. G . F e c h e t '4199 Mechanical engineering shops 4200 Ed. Carroll 4201 N o v . 20 Champaign & Urbana Rail4202 4203 4204 4205 4206 1207 4208 4209 4210 Expenses Carpenter work H u l l i n g corn Printing Advertising Wages, October, 1907 Books Services Express bills Machine supplies Expenses Oak base , Expenses . .do Furniture Labor. Expenses Clay Corn , Cow Expenses Labor Hauling Corn Expenses Chemicals Laboratory supplies Blue prints Stakes P i p e work, etc Expenses Bulb Services Expenses , . .do . .do \ Book Cottage, per contract Expenses Labor and material Drafting Labor : Laboratory supplies Labor • Electric supplies Service Books Hauling coal Tile Deposit Lumber Shoulder straps Labor and material Gas, etc Cattle Expenses Foundation Expenses Trees Expenses : ». : $ 15 77 10 85 20 00 20 12 50 60 70 00 22 04 9 90 13 50 109 10 9 62 32 43 23 00 - 4 70 80 97 44 24 117 53 16 02 11 83 125 97 570 88 67 50 187 00 2 55 5 00 30 00 250 00 18 01 15 00 30 00 247 20 10 29 158 14 12 32 83 51 7 31 404 72 3 51 1 00 199 50 18 13 6 70 25 00 1 25 2,505 00 2 27 5 00 8 40 3 75 67 78 14 00 515 14 126 67 16 61 72 80 25 00 864 75 159 80 38 66 ' 15 00 51 09 81 75 13 00 1,955 24 62 00 328 39 792 57 17 36 56 20 12 45 31 00 48 71 407 97 891 72 10 00 Alexander Ward &'Conover. G. E . Sanders A. Barr H-. E. Hodgkiss Sadler Bros W.P.Flint O. E. Staples, chief clerk O. E. Staples, chief clerk , J. V . R i g g s • Students' payroll, October, 1907