Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1908] PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES. LOCATION OF P H Y S I C S B U I L D I N G . 513 Upon recommendation of Supervising Architect White i t was voted on motion of Mrs. Evans t h a t the Physics building be located so t h a t the center of the west entrance be on the axis of the east entrance of Engineering hall, and t h a t the main walls of the two* buildings be fiftyeight feet apart. * F I N A N C I A L REPORT, COLLEGE OF MEDICINE^ 1907-1908. The Comptroller presented the following report which was received for record. URBANA, I I I . , July 2, 1908. Mr. W. L. Abbott, President, Board of Trustees, University of Illinois. DEAR SIR—I transmit herewith the financial statement of the college of medicine of the University of Illinois for the year ended May 15, 1908, also a request Jirom Dean Davenport for the appropriation of receipts for the quarter ending September, 1908, in the Agricultural College. Respectfully yours, S. W. SHATTUCK, Comptroller. Financial statement of the college of medicine, University of Illinois, for the year May 15, 1907, to May 15, 1908. RECEIPTS. Medical department Dental department EXPENDITURES. ' $69,762 74 15,760 30 $85,523 04 Medical department Dental department Surplus May 15, 1908, interest due the college of physicians and surgeons May 15, 1908, rent due the college of physicians and surgeons Amount of surplus above Deficit for the year June 12, 1908. 66,200 51 16,096 99 $82,297 3,225 5,526 6,000 50 54 03 00 $11,526 03 3,225 54 $ 8,300 49 Approved, D. A. K. STEELE, Actuary. S. W. SHATTUCK, Comptroller. APPROPRIATION OF AGRICULTURAL F U N D S . T h e Comptroller presented the following letter from Dean Davenport: URBANA, I I I . , July 1, 1908. Professor 8. W. Shattuck, Comptroller. DEAR SIR—The appropriation of the following amounts is requested on account of receipts either on hand or estimated for the respective interests during the coming quarter: -33 U