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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1908] PEOOEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES. 499 WAER SURVEY BUDGET FOR THE YEAR BEGINNING JULY 1, 1908. 13. A recommendation that the following budget for the Water survey be approved for the year beginning July 1, 1908. Director $2,500 00 Cnemist, L. I. Birdsall, 12 months 900 00 Bacteriologist, Prank Bachman paid for part of the year 615 00 Janitor, 12 months 420 00 Clerical work and laboratory assistance 1,140 00 Traveling expenses 300 00 Express .' 100 00 Postage 150 00 Printing ,... 300 00 Equipment 200 00 Supplies 200 00 Incidentals 175 00 Labratory assistance with classes 400 00 Platinum dishes ' 300 00 Incubator 120.00 A Constant temperature apartment 50 00 Furniture 80 00 Annual report 400 00 The budget was approved on motion of Mr. Hatch. HOUSE LABRATORY FOR HOUSEHOLD SCIENCE DEPARTMENT. 14. Recommendation from the head of the department of household science approved by the dean of the Agricultural College, that the sum of $5,000.00 be appropriated for the equipment and management of a house laboratory. This would involve the renting of a house at an approximate cost of $500.00, and the rest of the money would be used in equipping and running the house as a practical laboratory in domestic science. The recommendation was adopted and appropriation made on motion of Mr. Hatch 'by the following vote: Yeas, Messrs. Abbott, Hatch, Lehman and Mrs. Busey; nays, Dr. Davison and Mrs. Alexander. 15. Recommendation that the detail of Colonel E. G. Fechet as professor of military science for four years from August 1, 1908, be accepted to continue in effect until further notice. Eecommendation adopted on motion of Mr. Hatch. EQUIPMENT FOR COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING. 16. The dean of the College of Engineering requests that the following appropriations be made for special equipment in the Engineering College: 1. Incidentals and general expenses of the college and its departments, $5,000.00. 2. That for the extension and equipment of the forge "room and for the transfer and equipment of the locker and wash room which joins the present room, the sum of $2,800.00 or such portion thereof as may be necessary be appropriated. 3. That the sum of $4,000.00 be appropriated for the purchase and installation of one Standard Master Car Builders' Drop Testing Machine for the department of railway engineering. 4. That the sum of $6,000.00 be appropriated for the design and construction of a Master Car Builders' Brake Shoe Testing Machine for the department of railway engineering. These requests with Dean Goss's report were referred to the Committee on College of Engineering with power to act.
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