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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1908] PKOCEEDINGS OF THE BOAED OE TRUSTEES. C E R T I F I C A T E S ISSUED. 497 Since t h e report submitted to you J u n e 3d, 1907, t h e following have received certificates: Lr. R. Acton, Gunn, R i c h a r d s & Co., F i r s t National B a n k building, Chicago, diploma No. 104, J u n e 13, 1907. C. F . A. Dellschaft, J o n e s Caesar & Co., T r i b u n e building, Chicago, diploma No. 105, J u n e 13, 1907. E r i c J. Everett, 145 LaSalle St., Chicago, diploma No. 109, J u n e 10, 1907, (waiver.) P a u l Johnson, 1409 T r i b u n e building, Chicago, diploma No. 106, J u n e 13, 1907. H e n r y G. Phillipps, 609 F i r s t National B a n k building, Chicago, diploma No. 107, J u n e 13, 1907. S. A. Scheltes, 2233 W a s h i n g t o n Bd., Chicago, diploma No. 108, J u n e 1907. H. J. Jackson, 59 Dearborn St., Chicago, diploma No. 113, December 18, 1907. A. J. Steveling, 189 LaSalle St., Chicago, diploma No. 114, December 18, 1907. C. A. Macdonald, 543 Postal Telegraph building, Chicago, diploma No. I l l , December 18, 1907. J o h n Mahony, 1607 Ashland Blk., Chicago, diploma No. 112, December 18, 1907. G. B. Buist, Wilkinson, Reckitt & Will's, 975 W a s h i n g t o n boulevard, Chicago, diploma No. 110, December 18, 1907. EXAMINATIONS. Two examinations have been held d u r i n g the year, as follows: The December examination, December 2, 3, 4, 1907; t h e May examination, May 4, 5, 6, 1908. At t h e May 1907 examination, the r e t u r n s for which were received by t h e committee since t h e last a n n u a l report, 15 candidates were examined. Of these, four failed to h a n d in p a p e r s ; of t h e r e m a i n i n g 11, 5 were successful and received t h e i r certificates. At t h e December, 1907, examination, 9 candidates were examined, of whom 5 received t h e required m a r k s a n d were duly g r a n t e d certificates. At t h e May, 1908, examination, candidates were admitted in accordance with t h e a m e n d m e n t - t o the law, without t h e educational r e q u i r e m e n t specified in the original enactment. On t h i s account, it w a s deemed proper by t h e committee to hold examinations in Chicago and additional examinations in Peoria, Urbana, and E a s t St. Louis, provided five candidates should apply for examination a t any of t h e above places. I t was also t h o u g h t proper to advertise t h e examination, somewhat widely, and accordingly, notices calling attention to t h i s examination were inserted in newspapers having t h e widest circulation in the following places, n a m e l y : Bloomington, Danville, Springfield, Quincy, Decatur, Cairo, and Rock Island. Very few inquiries were received from candidates away from t h e immediate vicinity of Chicago, and no applications were received for examinations a t any of these outside points. At t h i s examination, 62 candidates were admitted. T h e r e t u r n s for t h i s examination a r e not yet in. Of t h e 62 candidates, 12 appear on t h e i r applications to have had a full high school education; of t h e remaining 50, 10 state t h a t they have had an equivalent. As your committee was not required to' investigate t h e educational qualifications, it is probable t h a t some of t h e l a t t e r class would not have been able to qualify u n d e r t h e provisions of t h e original law. BOARD OF E X A M I N E R S . The t e r m of Mr. C. W. Knisely as a m e m b e r of the Board of E x a m i n e r s expires J u l y 1, 1908. Mr. Knisely w a s appointed in 1903 as a member of t h e first board of examiners, under t h e C. P. A. law. He was re-appointed in —32 U
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