Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1908] PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOAED OF TRUSTEES. 489 Meeting, June 20, 1908. A special meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois was held at the Palmer House in Chicago, June 20, 1908, pursuant to the following notice which was sent out by the Secretary, June 15, 1908: Upon the call of the President, Mr. W. L Abbott, there will be a special meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois at the Palmer House in Chicago at 9:00 o'clock a. m., Saturday, June 20, 1908, to consider matters submitted by President James and such other matters as may be duly presented. When the board met pursuant to this call the following members were present: Messrs. Abbott, Davison, Hatch and Lehman and Mrs. Alexander and Mrs. Busey; absent, Governor Deneen and Messrs. Blair, Madden and Mrs. Evans. President James was present. EEPAIES IN UNIVERSITY HALL. Mr. Abbott presented a recommendation for the appropriation of an additional sum of two hundred dollars for repairs in University hall made by Dean Greene and endorsed by the Supervising Architect Mr. White. The recommendation was approved and the amount named appropriated. SCREENS FOR LIBRARY BUILDING. The recommendation for screens on the Library building at a cost of $350.00 approved by the Supervising Architect, Mr. White, was presented by Mr. Abbott, and was referred on motion of Mrs. Alexander to the Committee on Buildings and Grounds with power to act. EEPAIRS ON PRESIDENT'S HOUSE. A recommendation from the Supervising Architect, Mr. White, that an appropriation be made as follows for repairs on the President's house, was referred on motion of Mrs. Busey to the Committee on Buildings and Grounds with power to act: Washing- exterior of house and painting porches : Interior varnishing, including first-story floors and those of secondstory hall and two bedrooms and in southeast room on first floor Painting walls in southeast room, first floor Rehangirig loose burlap in other first-floor rooms Refinishing walls in 2 bathrooms Refinishing walls of the 2 east bedrooms Total $72 65 60 00 11 34 5 00 12 00 40 80 $201 79