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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1908] PKOCEEDINGS OF THE BOAED OF TEUSTEES. 461 advertisements or subscriptions or any other indebtedness whatever on account of. said Journal subsequent to volume VI, including also all copies of numbers of said Journal hitherto issued and not yet distributed or sold, including all manuscripts relating to said Journal and all other property of every kind connected with the publication of said Journal, and including also the right to continue publication of the same. In testimony whereof, I hereto set my hand and seal, this twenty-second day of April in the year of our Lord, one thousand nine hundred and eight, at Urbana, Illinois. [L. S.] LIDA E. VOIGHT. EEPAIES AND IMPROVEMENTS. [Signed] ELEANOR G. KARSTEN. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of The Committee on Buildings and Grounds made the following report^ which was adopted on motion of Dr. Davison, the appropriations recommended therein* being made: To the Board of Trustees: At a meeting of- the Committee on Buildings and Grounds called at the University April 11, 1908, the following business was transacted: Repairs on various buildings, amounting to $4,190.00 were authorized as follows: Armory $ 175 00 Gymnasium 179 00 Engineering Hall • 170 00 Library 305 00 Main Hall 1,200 00 Law Building 120 00 Natural History 275 00 Chemical Laboratory 1,248 00 Women's Building V 170' 00 Agricultural Building 135 00 Observatory 113 00 Horticultural Building 40 00 Agronomy 60 00 Total $4,190 00 Voted to approve and recommend the adoption of the plan of Professor Breckenridge for the extension of boiler plant as follows: Extension of boiler house * , $10,000 00 Induced draft apparatus 3,000 00 Coal and ash handling apparatus 12,000 00 Total $25,000 00 Voted to furnish hot water, electric light, and steam heat to the Young Men's Christian Association Building at the cost of this service to the University, and charge to be based upon a flat rate for steam heat, and a meter charge for water and for electric light. The expense of installing the connections between the Y. M. C. A. Building and the University service to be borne by the association, and to be put in under the supervision of the Supervising Architect of the UniTersity. Professors Breckenridge and White were requested to furnish the committee with an estimate of the cost to the University of the service which it was proposed to render. Supervising Architect White recommended that the location of the walk and drive directly in front of the Agricultural Building, and leading to the Auditorium be altered to correspond with the campus plan prepared by Olmstead. Recommendation adopted. Voted to recommend that $1,000 00 be appropriated for enclosed fire escape for University Hall. Voted that changes recommended by Professor White in academy rooms in University Hall be made at an expense of $350.00.
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