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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

442 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. [April 3 I t was voted, on motion of-Dr. Davison, that both the matter of the taxes and the rent be referred to Judge Harker for an opinion as to whether the board might be relieved from the payment of taxes, and also as to whether or not the surety on Dr. Baldwin's lease should be notified month by month of the delinquency in payment. ADVANCES OF MONEY. CHICAGO, April 3, 1908. To the Board of Trustees: Your Committee on Finance submits the follownig letter from Professor Shattuck, Comptroller: UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS, April 2, 1908, Lewis L. Lehman, Esquire, Chairman of Finance Committe, Board of Trustees, University of Illinois, JJrbana, Illinois: DEAR SIR: I n the matter of advances.of money from the University funds to defray the expenses of persons at work on experiments on account of the University away from Urbana, which was referred to your Committee by the Board, I beg leave to make the following' suggestion: That all persons who receive this advance of funds be required to give a guaranty bond to the University of Illinois to the amount of the funds so advanced. I hand you herewith such a bond executed by Prof. Hopkins to the amount of $1,500.00. If this course is approved by your Committee will you please see that it is authorized by the Board at its next meeting as the funds are needed for use at once. Yours truly, S. W. SHATTUCK, Comptroller. Your committee concurs in the suggestion of the Comptroller, and recommends its adoption by the Board. Professor Hopkins's bond is submitted herewith, executed in conformity with the recommendations of the Comptroller. Respectfully submitted, L. L. LEHMAN, GEORGE H. MADDEN, MARY E. BUSEY, Committee on Finance. The report of the committee was approved, and it was directed that the bond be filed with the secretary. The secretary called attention to the fact that there should have been elected at the March meeting of the board a comptroller and chief clerk. The board thereupon elected Professor S. W. Shattuck, comptroller, for the year ending the second Tuesday of March, 1909, and Mr. 0. E. Staples chief clerk, for the same term. APPOINTMENTS. The president reported appointments as follows:. Since the report made October 19, 1907, of appointments made under authority given me, appointments have been made as follows: Rufus M. Bagg. Instructor in Geology, salary of $100 a month from October 11, 1907., to June 30, 1908. William S. Chapin, Clinical Assistant in Laboratory of Physiological Chemistry, salary of $1,000 for the twelve months beginning October 1, 1907, salary to be charged to the Nutrition Investigation funds.
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