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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1907] PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOAED OP TRUSTEES. 415 Voted on motion of Mr, Lehman that said recommendation be approved. 2. A recommendation from the live stock advisory committee that Professor Mumford, head of the department of animal husbandry, be authorized and directed to visit other beef producing regions, especially South America, and to make upon the ground the most exhaustive study possible of conditions both present and prospective, under which these countries are producing or are likely to be able to produce meats to compete with American beef, and that the sum of three thousand dollars ($3,000) or so much thereof as may be necessary be set aside for this purpose out of the funds for live stock investigation. Voted on motion of Mrs. Alexander that baid recommendation be referred to the Agricultural Committee of the board for report. 3. A recommendation from the dean of the College of Agriculture that the sum of one thousand dollars ($1,000) be appropriated from the special appropriation for domestic science made by the last legislature for the purpose of fitting up two rooms in the basement of the household science wing as a kitchen, primarily for the use of the school for housekeepers in January, and a further recommendation that' one thousand dollars ($1,000) be appropriated from the same fund for equipment in the way of fabrics and other illustrative materials, charts, models, tables for drafting and cutting, sewing machines, etc. Voted on motion of Mrs. Alexander that said appropriations be made. 4. A request from the animal husbandry department, approved by the dean of the College of Agriculture, for authority to purchase one or two Shire mares at from five to six hundred dollars, the same to be used for class room purposes in the teaching of judging draft horses. Voted on motion of Dr. Davison that said recommendation be approved and the necessary appropriation made. AUDITORIUM. 5. A recommendation from the Uuiversity architect that two or more dressing rooms be constructed under the stage of the Auditorium. The plan involves concreting that portion of the basement under the stage of the Auditorium, the erection of a corridor running from one door to the other, and the construction of dressing rooms opening into this corridor. It was also recommended that the corridors running around the Auditorium building in the basement be concreted. The estimate of expense is between four and five hundred dollars. Voted that said recommendation, with power to act in the premises, be referred to the Committee on Buildings and Grounds. GRADUATE SCHOOL. 6. It is proposed to hold a formal opening of the graduate school of the University during the first week in February and at that time to hold a conference of educators and experts to discuss the subject oi the best organization of graduate school work. I t is recommended that the University invite certain heads of colleges in the State of Illinois to attend this conference at the expense of the University. Voted that said plan be approved and the sum of two hundred dollars ($200.00) be appropriated for the traveling expenses of said heads of colleges. OFFICERS FOR REGIMENT. 7. The University regiment has reached such a size that it is impossible for a single officer to do the necessary work connected with efficient military instruction and drill. I recommend that the President of the University be
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