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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1907] PROCEEDINGS O F T B E BOARD O F T R U S T E E S . 413 P A P E R R — I N V E N T O R Y J U L Y 1, 1907. Books, Apparatus, Equipment, Specimens, Supplies, PERMANENT. Etc. VARIABLE. DEPARTMENTS Apparatus and material. $ 1,244 40 4,508 12 9,254 00 2,839 37 12,824 42 47,198 87 32,614 36 5,138 52 17,432 69 17,192 26 1,359 55 140 00 34,434 55 1,313 72 62 00 13,770 00 1,773 78 1,799 00 14 00 166 27 28,341 60 29,539 91 168,942 50 1,006 55 67,444 36 29,42i 63 598 00 7,589 07 2,324 95 36,252 27 2,800 85 3,022 22 2,048 80 4,282 50 106,677 97 5,541 38 1,420 55 5,400 63 $707,735 62 Museum Commercial and material, illustrative etc. matter. Total. Academy Art and Design Astronomy Art Gallery Architecture Agricultural Experiment Station Civil Engineering Chemistry College of Engineering Electrical engineering Fire apparatus E n g i n e e r i n g E x p e r i m e n t Station Geology Laboratory of Natural History $2,238 25 1,620 67 : $ 3,364 44 2,910 87 5,680 00 200 00 469 40 - 1,267 48 1,656 00 22,011 20 195 00 648 95 21,946 00 50 00 96 77 1,141 15 10,000 00 450 79 1,423 00 862 60 3,127 10 Mechanical engineering Museum Military Military band Physiology Psychology. Physics Physical training, m e n Physical training, w o m e n Railway engineering School of Music Steam department T e l e p h o n e system Zoology Totals ' 150 00 2,072 80 646 80 , 2,055 00 $47,795 04 399 72 $38,890 95 $ 1,244 40 4,508 12 9,254 00 2,839 37 15,052 67 52,183 98 ' 35,525 23 11,018 52 19,169 57 40,859 46 1,359 55 140 00 35,278 50 1,313 72 62 00 13,770 00 2,224 57 25,170 00 14 00 166 27 28,391 68 29,636 68 169,805 10 1,006 55 71,712 61 10,000 00 29,421 63 598 00 7,739 07 2,324 95 38,325 07 2,800 85 3,022 22 2,695 60 4,282 50 106,677 97 5,541 38 1,420 55 7,855 35 $794,421 61 Furniture Gymnasium Armory , W o o d Shop Metal Shops Electrical Laboratory Mechanical Laboratory... H ydraulic Laboratory E n g i n e e r i n g Hall L a w building University Hall Library Building Natural History Building, Chemical Building W o m a n ' s Building Observatory College of M e d i c i n e . . . . . . College of Dentistry School of P h a r m a c y and Fixtures. $ 4,830 00 1,542 00 748 25 993 00 1,507 00 2,631 98 1,407 35 14,714 00 3,06] 60 11,353 05 11,427 " 11,355 501 3,975 801 6,803 361 298 50 6,649 07 $101,337 15 18,518 50| 15,778 16 $135,633 81
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