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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

404 UNIVEKS1TY O F ILLINOIS Dec. 12 E X H I B I T B—STATEMENT O F CASH R E C E I P T S AND DISBURSEMENTS J A N U A R Y 1 TO J U N E 30, 1907. Receipts. Disbursements. Balance Januaty 1, 1907— H . A. Haugan, treasurer O. E. Staples, chief clerk, cash balance Students' deposits Academy \ Current account U. S. Agricultural E x p e r i m e n t Station farm fund College of Medicine School of Pharmacy Edward Snyder fund—Interest " " " —Principal $ 356,783 64 6,463 88 " ., F e e d i n g experiment receipts Dairy investigation receipts Agricultural equipment receipts Corn experiment receipts S u m m e r School Buildings and grounds Accountancy Interest on land contracts United States Agricultural E x p e r i m e n t Station from U. S. Treasurer U. S. Adams F u n d from U. S. Treas Interest on e n d o w m e n t fund from State Treasurer Operating expenses from State Treasurer Incidentals • Water survey receipts $ 363,247 52 8,031 08 4,886 00 45,985 30 1,701 44 50,097 58 4,277 82 276 86 2,328 30 815 32 11,029 34 3,672 86 10,697 89 2,377 07 2,395 09 446 42 814 19 1,082 50 813 76 . 475 00 348 37 7,500 00 3,500 00 26 25 15,915 65 130,000 00 120 10 316 66 604 46 1,449 34 197 85 597 86 5,000 00 T r e a t m e n t of orchards—receipts Nutrition investigation (check from Edward T i l d e n ) . . . • General University warrants issued College of Medicine warrants issued School of Pharmacy warrants issued '. United States Agricultural E x p e r i m e n t Station Balance on hand June 30, 1907— H . A. H augan, treasurer O. E. Staples, chief clerk j 449,859 49,994 7,757 9,808 68 41 82 97 $ 517,420 88 158,393 62 5,213 38 163,607 00 $ 681,027 88 $ 681,027 88
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