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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

E X H I B I T A—STATEMENT S H O W I N G T R I A L BALANCE AT BEGINNING AND E N D I N G O F P E R I O D , CASH AND W A R R A N T E N T R I E S . JANUARY 1, 1907, TO JUNE 1907, WITH O T R I A L BALANCE J A N U A R Y l, 1907. ACCOUNT. CASH ENTRIES JANUARY l TO J U N E 30, 1907. WARRANT ENTRIES TRANSFER ENTRIES JANUARY l JANUARY 1 TO TO J U N E 30, 1907. J U N E 30, 1907. TRIAL BALANCE J U N E 30, 1907. * Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. $158,393 62 $517,420 88 $319,030 86 $356,783 64 $ 16,997 55 $ 8,966 47 $ 8,031 08 Students 1 deposits 5,213 38 6,463 88 317,780 36 319,030 86 Cash Acc't. O. E. Staples, Chief Clerk .. 79,512 32 $20,109 42 83,797 51 45,985 30 Current account . . . . 28,514 71 $23,434 28 2,080 43 Salaries for instruction 13,863 71 12,394 70 - 1,469 01 Salaries for services 2,691 95 3,137 55 813 76 Building's and grounds 368 16 780 36 1,512 47 604 46 127 65 H e a t and light 5,730 00 4,886 00 368 45 1,212 45 A c a d e m y . .. 822 32 759 82 62 50 Stationery and p r i n t i n g . 386 29 24,422 31 13,544 55 11,029 34 Agricultural College .... 3,429 09 5,263 75 1,838 20 3,672 86 Departments 16,534 66 7,387 47 446 42 9,593 61 Laboratories. 134 01 388 91 197 85 60 05 Library and apparatus ... 772 59 348 37 424 22 Interest on land contracts 4,584 19 3,288 58 120 10 1,415 71 Incidentals 1,750 00 2,328 30 299 02 E . S n y d e r fund—students aid-prin , 300 00 101 07 276 86 124 21 E . Snyder fund—students aid-int 1,107 99 • 815 32 448 15 665 36 1,000 00 316 66 Water survey receipts 563 31 705 00 Ceramic receipts . . . . 4,242 50 11,445 37 10,697 89 4,242 50 6,637 13 F e e d i n g experiment receipts 393 78 26 25 367 53 Chicago cold storage .... 7,000 00 3,500 00 3,500 00 U . S. A d a m s fund 597 86 635 47 1,700 44 5,000 00 Nutrition investigation 300 00 300 00 Editing catalogue 1,494 00 1,494 00 Military and band scholarships 814 19 3,554 54 1,134 10 852 66 2,377 07 67 45 67 45 The Technograph 958 50 958 50 A l u m n i Record. . ..„ 2,395 09 6,864 52 1 46 76 1 553 24 School of Music 1 600 66 $70,379 91 W i—i 537 87 o t"1 877 32 155 48 751 30 141 69 4,242 50 1,647 15 1,233 33 3,299 56 4.368 73 1,995 63 9,259 61 O o CD o
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