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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

398 UNIVEESITY OF TLLINOIS. TREASURER'S EEPORT. [Dec. 6 The secretary presented the treasurer's report, for the quarter ending September 30, 1907, which was referred to the Finance Committee. H. A. H A U G A N , T R E A S U R E R , I N A C C O U N T W I T H T H E U N I V E R S I T Y O F I L L I N O I S , S E P T E M B E R 30, 1907. Dr. Balance per last statement Received from State Bank of Chicago, six m o n t h s ' interest on $4,000 bonds of College of Physicians and Surgeons, for credit of College of Medicine fund $ 120 00 Received from College of Medicine, for credit of Col775 47 lege of Medicine fund Received from College of Dentistry, for credit of Col204 801 l e g e of Medicine fund Received from United States Treasurer, quarterly agricultural appropriation under the Hatch act, for credit 3,750 00 of Agricultural E x p e r i m e n t Station fund Received from United States Treasurer, United States agricultural appropriation under t h e A d a m s act, for 2,250 00 credit of Agricultural E x p e r i m e n t Station fund 17 Received from School of Pharmacy, for credit of School] 65 00 of Pharmacy fund 8,000 00 Received from O. E. Staples, for credit of general fund Received from School of Pharmacy, for credit of School 35 00 of Pharmacy fund 55,000 00 Received from State Auditor,for credit of general fund. Received from School of Pharmacy, for credit of School 125 00 of Pharmacy fund 45,967 35 Received from State Auditor,for credit of general fund. Received from College of Dentistry, for credit of Col203 00] lege of Medicine fund Received from College of Medicine, for credit of Col672 90 lege of Medicine fund Received from School of Pharmacy, for credit of School 160 00 of Pharmacy fund Received from School of Pharmacy, for credit of School 135 00 of Pharmacy fund 8,000 00 Received from O. E. Staples, for credit of general fund, Received from School of Pharmacy, for credit of School 180 00 of Pharmacy fund Received from College of Dentistry, for credit of Col188 20 lege of Medicine fund , Received from College of Medicine, for credit of Col605 20 lege of Medicine fund < Received from School of Pharmacy, for credit of School 265 00 of Pharmacy fund Received from School of Pharmacy, for credit of School 170 00 of Pharmacy fund Received from School of Pharmacy, for credit of School 115 00 of Pharmacy fund Received from School of Pharmacy, for credit of School 155 00| of Pharmacy fund Received from School of Pharmacy, for credit of School| 265 00 of Pharmacy fund Received from School of Pharmacy, for credit of School 3,297 50 of Pharmacy fund Received from School of Pharmacy, for credit of School 2,032 00 of Pharmacy fund Received from College of Medicine, for credit of Col 1,069 90) lege of Medicine fund Received from School of Pharmacy, for credit of School 1,198 00 of Pharmacy fund ! Received from School of Pharmacy, for predit of School 608 00| of Pharmacy fund * Received from College of Medicine, for credit of College) 2,171 00 of Medicine fund Received from School of Pharmacy, for credit of School 30 00 of Pharmacy fund Received from School of Pharmacy, for credit of School 947 00 of Pharmacy fund
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