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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

896 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. [Dec. 10 rather of that particular nature involved in research work. I t appears to your committee that it is not only wise to secure all such information possible in connection with definite experiments, but that it would be an oversight not to do so. We therefore recommend that a suitable member of the dairy department be authorized and directed to visit the intensive dairy regions of northern Europe, and the President of the University is authorized to appoint said man. The committee further recommends that the sum of $5700, or so much thereof, as may be necessary, be appropriated out of the funds for dairy investigation to cover the expenses of this trip. 3. The method of making purchases for the University by requisition is not well adapted to the ways in which live stock must be bought. That is to say the requisition follows the actual purchase. It is only a question of time when this will lead to great embarrassment for somebody. We therefore recommend that the board of Trustees provide a special method for making live stock purchases, by giving direct authority to certain individuals to make such purchases without a requisition, always under appropriations previously made by the board of Trustees. 4". In the progress of investigations with soils and with crops there is coming to be a need for a few long-time leases, and the occasional purchase of land. The nature of the business is such that well-defined methods of procedure ought to be provided. We therefore recommend that all leases running ten years or less, may be signed by the head of the department interested on behalf of the University; that leases running for longer than ten years should be signed by the comptroller, who may also sign contracts for purchases when necessary to practically close the deal before the purchase can actually be made by the Trustees themselves, provided that all leases are made with the privilege of the board of Trustees of the University to terminate any lease at the end of any biennial period, and that contracts for sales shall be made subject to the action of the Trustees. 5. The cbmmittee finds that because of dispute the University is without a south line fence on the portion of the farm assigned to the dairy department. The reqords show that on September 25 a 1906, the Trustees ordered a fence built on the old line. This was done but the owner of the land adjoining has torn it down. The committee therefore recommends that Dean Harker, who has the legal aspect of the case in hand, be directed to exact the consent of Mr. Sullivan, the owner of the adjoining land, for the erection of the fence upon the old line or else, without further delay, to throw the case into the courts to* determine where the line shall be. All of which is, Respectively submitted, FRED L. HATCH. I t was decided to consider the several items of the report separately. On motion of Mrs. Alexander the recommendation with regard to changes of offices in the Agricultural Building was approved, and the appropriation of $1,500 was made. Mr. Hatch moved the adoption of the second item of the report and the appropriation of $700.00. The motion was adopted. Mrs. Busey asked for a roll call, but the president of the board decided that, as the request for a roll call was not made until after the vote had been announced it was out of order. Mrs. Alexander appealed from the decision of the president, and the appeal was not sustained. Mrs. Busey asked to be recorded as voting no on the original motion and it _ was so ordered. After some discussion the third item with regard to purchases of live stock was withdrawn by Mr. Hatch.
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