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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

384 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. APPOINTMENTS. [Oct 19 10. A list of appointments made by the president of the University in accordance with t h e a u t h o r i t y given him by t h e board, since t h e last meeting of the board. • E d w a r d Berbaum, Assistant in t h e Machine Shop Tool Room, for the twelve m o n t h s beginning September 1, 1907, a t a salary of $30 a month. F r a n k L. Busey, M. E., F i r s t Assistant in the D e p a r t m e n t of Mechinical E n g i n e e r i n g i n t h e E n g i n e e r i n g E x p e r i m e n t Station, t h e appointment to date from October 1, 1907, to J u l y 1, 1908, at a salary of $90.00 a month. Mabel E. Conde, stenographer, assigned to w o r k in the office of t h e Director of the L i b r a r y School, half time, beginning September 20, 1907, at a salary of $25.00 a month. Mary E. Cooley, Clerk in t h e Mechanical E n g i n e e r i n g Department, beginning November 1, 1907, a t a salary of $60.00 a month. Neva E. Dolson, Stenographer in Professor P a r r ' s office, beginning September 19, 1907, at a salary of $40.00 a month. A. D. E m m e t t , Research Assistant in Animal Chemistry in the Laboratory of Physiological Chemistry, for ten m o n t h s beginning October 1, 1907, at a salary of $100.00 a month, to be charged to t h e funds of t h e Agricultural E x p e r i m e n t Station. E a r l D. Finch, Stenographer to the Dean of t h e College of Lav/, beginning September 11, 1907, a t a salary of $15.00 a month. V. R. Fleming, I n s t r u c t o r in Applied Mechanics, for t h e ten m o n t h s beginning September 1, 1907, a t a salary of $110.00 a month. E d w a r d J. Fortier, Associate in French, for t h e two years beginning September 1, 1907, at a salary of $1,500.00 a year. G. C. Habermeyer, I n s t r u c t o r in Municipal and S a n i t a r y Engineering, for t h e ten m o n t h s beginning September 1, 1907, at a salary of $130.00 a month. P. E. Howe, Assistant Analyst in the Laboratory of Physiological Chemistry, for eleven m o n t h s beginning October 1, 1907, at a salary of $75.00 a month, salary to be paid from t h e N u t r i t i o n Investigation fund. L. V. James, Assistant in the Electrical Laboratory, for t h e t e n m o n t h s beginning September 1, 1907, a t a salary of $50.00 a month. Dr. Lily G. Kollock, Dean of Women, work and salary beginning September 1, 1907. T h e salary is a t t h e r a t e of $1,500.00 a year. . . Agnes McGurty, Stenographer, assigned for work in Dean Townsend's office, beginning September 1, 1907, at a salary of $50.00 a month. H. H. Mitchell, Assistant Analyst in the Laboratory of Physiological Chemistry, for eleven m o n t h s beginning October 1, 1907, a t a salary of $75.00 a month, salary to be paid from t h e N u t r i t i o n Investigation F u n d . H. C. Moran, Clerk of t h e Moot Court in t h e Law School, beginning October 21, 1907, at a salary of $15.00 a month. J. B. Peterson, Assistant Analyst in t h e Laboratory of Physiological Chemistry, for eleven m o n t h s beginning October 1, 1907, a t a salary of $75.00 a month, salary to be paid from the N u t r i t i o n Investigation F u n d . Blanche Phillips, stenographer, assigned for work in Professor Hollister's office, beginning September 1, 1907, at a salary of $55.00 a month. F . W. Reed, I n s t r u c t o r in Astronomy, for the t e n months- beginning September 1, 1907, at a salary of '$100.00 a month. Mayme L. Smith, stenographer, assigned for work in Professor Noyes' office, beginning September 1, 1907, a t a salary of $50.00 a month. Lida E. Voigt, clerk and stenographer in the office of the Dean of t h e Graduate School, at t h e r a t e of $55.00 a month, her salary to be charged to t h e appropriation of $960.00 made for stenographic and clerical help in Dean Kinley's office. E. H. Waldo, Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering, for t h e academic year beginning September 1, 1907, at a salary of $1,700.00. R. T. Stull, I n s t r u c t o r in Ceramics, for the ten m o n t h s beginning September 1, 1907, a t a salary of $140.00 a month.
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