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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

382 UNIVEESITY OF ILLINOIS. [Oct. 19 PURCHASE OF BAND INSTRUMENTS. 6. A communication from Dr. Burrill recommending that the University purchase instruments for the use of the University band and submitting a preliminary estimate as to the cost of said instruments. Voted on motion of Dr. Davison t h a t an appropriation not to exceed three thousand five hundred dollars ($3,500) be made for the purchase of such instruments, which shall be purchased under the supervision of a committee of the board appointed by the president of the board for that purpose. These members were appointed as the committee: Dr. Davison, Mrs. Alexander, Mr. Lehman, Mrs. Busey, and Mr. Hatch. For the consideration of a matter presented at this time the board went into Committee of the Whole. When the Committee of the Whole rose, Secretary Pillsfoury reported t h a t the committee had organized by the election of Mr. Abbott as chairman and Mr. Pillsbury as secretary. The secretary reported t h a t the committee had made progress in the discussion of the subject under consideration,. and that it asked for further time. The report was accepted and further time given. ' USE OP AUDITORIUM. 7. A statement of the president that he had given permission .to Mr. Harding to give a Kubelik concert in the Auditorium on the evening of November 28th on condition that the management would make a popular low price for seats for the advantage of the student body of the University, and that in return for this concession no charge would be made for the use of the hall. The president desired the board to adopt a formal rule in regard to the policy of the University in such matters. .Voted that the president be requested- to propose a recommendation on this subject. WATER SURVEY BUDGET. 8. A statement from Edward Bartow, Director of the State Water Survey, concerning the estimate of expense for the State Water Survey for the year ending June 30, 1908. UBBANA, I I I . , September 26, 1907. Professor E. J. Townsend, Dean College of Science, University of Illinois: DEAR SIR—I hereby submit a statement concerning the water survey for the coming year. Since I have had no reply to my letter of May 15th, asking for additional assistance from the University funds I have made my estimates accordingly. There was available July 1st Balance Water Survey receipts $ 834 63 Appropriation 6,000 00 Allotment from the State Board of Health 1,000 00 Total \ Estimated expenses July 1, 1907, to July 1, 1908: SALARIES. $7,834 63 Director Chemist Student Clerical Clerical ." (Lewis I. Birdsall) Asst. (P. J. Hanzlik) Work (Lulu Gardner) Work (Opal Lockwood) ' $2,417 66 720 00 300.00 435 00 330 00
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