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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

376 UNIVEKSITY OF ILLINOIS. [ O c t . 19 On motion of Mr. Lehman, Mr. W. L. S t e w a r t was awarded the contract for t h e storm water sewer, Mr. Thomas Henson the contract for t h e sanitarysewer, and Mr. J o h n B. Bennett t h e contract for the t u n n e l a t t h e figures scheduled above. s CARRIE T. ALEXANDER. LAURA B. E V A N S L E W I S L. L E H M A N . The board adjourned. ALEXANDER MCLEAN, L. L. LEHMAN,, President pro tern. Secretary pro tern. W . L . PlLLSBURY, Secretary.
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