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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

368 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. [Sept. 10 Harry Gray Hake, Assistant in Electrical Engineering, for ten months from September 1, 1907, at $70.00 a month. J. B. Cook, Assistant in the Forge Shop, for ten months from September 1, 1907, at $70.00 a month. Jerome S. Rogers, Graduate Assistant in Chemistry, for the academic year 1907-8/ at $400.00 for the year. H. D. Laube, Scholarship in Political Science, for the academic year 1907-8,. at $250.00 for the year. Blaine F. Moore, Scholarship in Political Science, for the academic year 1907-8, at $250.00 for the year. James E. Smith, Instructor in Civil Engineering, ten months from September 1, 1907, at $110.00 a month. Gertrude Moulton, Instructor in Physical Training for Women, ten months from September 1, 1907, at $85.00 a month. J. T. Vawter, Instrutor in Architecture, ten months from September 1* 1907, at $140.00 a month. Edith Leonard, Curator of Library and Collections in Department of Architecture, ten months from September 1, 1907, at $50.00 a month. Francis M. Porter, Assistant in General Engineering Drawing, ten months from September 1, 1907, at $75.00 a month. John Tarflinger, Assistant in the Foundry, ten months from September 1^ 1907, at $70.00 a month. Charles Manfred Thompson, Instructor in Mathematics in the Academy,, ten months from September 1, 1907, at $80.00 a month. Adeline M. Shoop, Scholarship in Classics, for the academic year 1907-8, at $250.00 for the year. May E. Floyd, Instructor in Piano, ten months from September 1, 1907, at a salary of $800.00. Dr. Charles M. Poor, Instructor in German, ten months from September 1, 1907, at a salary of $1,000.00. Dr. H. F. Allen, Associate in Classics, September 1, 1907, at a salary of $1,500.00. Walter Clark Phillips, Instructor in English, September 1; 1907, at a salary of $1,000.00. Jacob Zeitlin, Instructor in English, September 1, 1907, at a salary of $900.00. Lida Harbarger, Assistant in English, September 1, 1907, at a salary of $350.00. Dr. Clarence W. Balke, Associate in Chemistry, September 1, 1907, at a salary of $1,400.00. Dr. Willis B. Holmes, Associate in Chemistry, September 1, 1907, at a salary of $1,400.00. R. C. Roark, Graduate Assistant in Chemistry, September 1, 1907, at a salary of $300.00. On motion of Mrs. Alexander these appointments were confirmed. 20. Nomination of Mr. Albert S. Wilson as Director of the Library School at a salary of $1,800.00 a year, work and salary to begin September 1, 1907. On motion of Mrs. Evans this recommendation was concurred in. LOST MONEY. Request of Mr. F. K. W. Drury, Acting Librarian, for a refund of $9.15 stolen from his order desk in the library on June 10, 1907. It appears that this money was paid by professors to the librarian for books which had been ordered for them by the librarian. Voted t h a t the trustees do, not consider themselves responsible for funds of this sort, and t h a t any money so accepted by the librarian or paid by professors is entirely at the risk of the parties concerned.
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