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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1907] PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOAED OF TRUSTEES. 365 I believe that more esprit de corps was shown by the members of the summer session than ever before. The literary societies held regular meetings Saturday evenings; there was an interest manifested in all kinds of athletics; and the social and intellectual energy shown was unusual. Every teacher to whom I talked expressed himself as thoroughly well pleased with the University and the work that was offered. In think we might enlarge our influence if it seemed advisable to offer scholarships to all teachers who could matriculate, whether they come from Illinois or not. Very respectfully yours, T. A. CLARK, Director. The report was ordered to be printed in the minutes. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. 7. Recommendations from Dean Eugene Davenport. (a) That Mr. A. C. Real be made first assistant in florticulture in the Experiment Station at a salary of $1,600.00 for one year. On motion of Mr. H a t c h this recommendation was approved. (b) That Professor Leonard Hegnaur's time be divided between his present duties and extension work. On motion of Mr. H a t c h this recommendation was approved. (c) That Mr. A. J. Bill be engaged as a lecturer in the extension work. Voted to postpone the consideration of this item. (d) That the president be authorized to appoint a successor to Miss Ruth A. Wardall, resigned, in the department of domestic science. On motion of Mrs. Evans this recommendation was.approved. (e) That five deputy sheriffs be appointed for the protection of University property and that the expense of the bonds amounting to $7.50 be paid by the University. On motion of Mrs. Busey this recommendation was approved. (f) That the ^temporary employment of Mr. J. K. Plummer as assistant in the Experiment Station in the place of E. K. Nelson, resigned, be authorized. This recommendation was approved. 8. Prof. Victor T. Wilson and Mr. R. B. Otis, both of the department of General Engineering Drawing, have resigned since the last meeting of the board. It is necessary, therefore, to reorganize this department. The dean of the College of Engineering makes the following recommendations: That Mr. C. L. McMaster be appointed associate in charge of the department at a salary of $1,200.00 per annum, work and salary to begin September 1, 1907; that Mr. C. B. Gibbons be appointed instructor at $800.00 per annum; that Mr. C. R. rffek be appointed instructor at $800.00; Mr. Sherwood Hinds, instructor at $900.00 per annum; and Mr. F. M. Porter, assistant, at $750.00 per annum. On motion of Mrs. Busey this recommendation was concurred in. 9. Letter from the Registrar recommending Miss Hulda C. Witte for a University scholarship. On motion of Mrs. Alexander, Miss Witte and Francis A. Cline were granted scholarships for one year; and it was voted t h a t hereafter attendance at the summer session shall be considered attendance- at the University. 10. Request from Professor Shattuck for an increase in salary. On motion of Mrs. Evans Prof. Shattuck's salary was increased by $500.00. Eecess until 2 p. m.
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