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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1907] PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOAED OF TRUSTEES. 363 Detailed plans for the curing of all the meats used in the saltpeter investigation have been perfected. The plans so devised meet the approval of the best practical authorities in the country on the subject, and the plans have also received the approval of the commission appointed by yourself to assist in this work. We have already with the assistance of Mr. L. D. Hall of the animal husbandy department cured 1,500 pounds of meat products in our own cold storage rooms here with success. The meats so cured are to be used in our experiments. The details for the medical examination, the bacteriological work, and the chemical investigations have been worked out in full, and they have been duly approved by the members of the commission. Houses numbers 1106 and 1108 Illinois street have been rented, and are now being overhauled and furnished in a cheap but substantial way for the housing of the twenty-four men of the Nutrition Club. These quarters when equipped will be excellently well suited to our purpose, since they give us ample room and are so close to the Chemical Laboratory and Agricultural Building, where the scientific studies connected with this research will be made. At present we are busy attempting to select from the seventy-five men who have made application to become members of the Nutrition Club, a club of twenty-four men of average health and development. It is our present intention to be able to select these men finally by the 17th to 20th of September, and as fast as they are finally selected they will be given rooms in the above houses. However, it will not be possible actually to start the boarding of these men until probably about the first of October. We have arranged to have a matron in charge of the houses and a chef in charge of the kitchen. In addition, three or four of the men connected with the management of the investigation will room and board at the Nutrition Club, in order that the work may be carried on with the greatest degree of accuracy. Yours very truly, H. S. GEINDLEY. I t was ordered 3. Professor J. tural Experiment University for the in Germany. t h a t the report be printed in the minutes. H. Pettit of the College of Agriculture and the AgriculStation requests leave of absence without pay from the year beginning October 1, 1907, for the purpose of studying Voted that such leave be granted. 4. The board at its meeting on July 6th authorized the appointment of an associate in philosophy at a salary of $1,500.00. After extensive canvassing of the field it was found that by increasing the title from associate to that of assistant professor, the services of Dr. Guy Tawney could be secured for this sum. I have therefore offered the position of assistant professor of philosophy at a salary of $1,500.00 to Dr. Guy Tawney, subject to the approval of the board. On motion of Mrs. Evans this recommendation was concurred in. 5. Professor S. A. Forbes requests that the Trustees shall make an appropriation of $1,000.00 to enable the State Laboratory of Natural History to print its accumulated bulletins and reports. In return for this grant the State Laboratory of Natural History will assume a portion of the salary of Professor Frank Smilh to the extent of $500:00 per annum for the present and the succeeding academic year, namely: from September 1, 1907, to August 31, 1909. Professor Smith will do certain investigation work for the Natural History survey. On motion of Mrs. Alexander the recommendation was approved.
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