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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

360 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. APPROPRIATIONS FOR S T A T E ENTOMOLOGIST. [Sept. 10 The secretary stated t h a t the Auditor of Public Accounts had decided that money appropriated for the State Entomologist's office would properly be paid into the treasury of the University and disbursed under the direction of the Board of Trustees of the University. H e said t h a t some $5,000 of this appropriation had already t e e n transmitted to the treasurer of the University. The plan for the administration of the fund presented from Professor Forbes at the meeting of J u l y 20th -(see page 165) is as follows: July 19, 1907/ To the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois: I respectfully request that the following assignments be made from appropriations made by An Act to provide for the office of the State Entomologist, to define its duties, and to extend its equipment, passed by the State Legislature at its last session, For expenses incurred by the State Entomologist under An Act to Prevent the introduction and spread in Illinois of the San Jose scale and other dangerous insects and contagious diseases of fruits, $5,000.00For an addition to the insectary wings of the State Entomologist's building on the University campus, $500.00. Also the following allowances for salaries of assistants for the year-beginning July 1, 1907: Charles A. Hart, $1,000.00; an additional $500.00 of his salary to be paid from the funds of the State Laboratory of Natural History. James A. West, $1,200.00. John J. Davis, $1,100.00. For the salaries of additional assistants, for furniture and equipment, for the expenses of field, laboratory, and office operations, and for the preparation, publication and illustration of bulletins and reports, the sum of $4,100.00 for the quarter ending September 30, 1907. Respectfully submitted, S. A. FORBES, State Entomologist. The secretary was directed, on motion of Dr. Davison, to ask the Attorney General for an opinion as to the disbursements of this fund. TREASURERS EEPORT. The secretary presented the treasurer's report, for the quarter ending J u n e 30, 1907, which was referred to the Finance Committee. H, A. H A U G A N , T R E A S U R E R , I N A C C O U N T W I T H T H E J U N E 30, 1907. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS, 1907 March April Dr. Balance per last statement $412,671 16 Received from College of Dentistry for credit of Col l e g e of Medicine fund $ 1,450 43J Received from College of Medicine for credit of College of Medicine fund 1,253 Received from O. E. Staples for credit of general fund.. 15,000 00| Received from College of Medicine for credit of College of Medicine fund 1,563 84 Received from United States Treasurer U. S. agricul tural appropriation under the Adams act, for credit of| general fund 1,750 00 Received from College of Medicine for credit of College of Medicine fund 1,106 50 Received from School of Pharmacy for credit of School) of Pharmacy fund 200 001
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