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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

238 UNIVEESITY OF ILLINOIS [Dec. 10 General University No. Date. To Whom.' Warrants—Continued. F o r What. Amount. 1906 10 Nernst L a m p Co *. Repairing lamp 4585 Dec. M. G. Snyder 4586 ..do C. H. Baddeley Groceries •. 4587 ..do H e n r y Trevett Spring 4588 ..do Haussmann & D u n n . „ 4589 ..do A. Tornquist Making box 4590 ..do A. H. Barber Creamery Sup4591 ..do ply Co Brushes Chester A. Harris Coal. 4592 ..do A. Wissler 4593 ..do J . W . Franks & Sons ; . . . . Waterbury articles 4594 ..do T. H . Trevett Hardware 4595 ..do : Electric supplies 4596 ..do Ernst Leitz 4597 ..do T h e L e e d s & N orthrup C o . . . . Repairs 4598 ..do Twin City Ice & Cold Storage 4599 ..do Co Ice Electric Smelting & Alum. .do 4600 Copper inum Co Knowlton & Bennett 4601 ..do H. Swannell & Son Drugs, etc 4602 ..do Crucibles Baker & Co 4603 ..do Eimer & A m e n d Apparatus* etc 4604 ..do Atlas Paper Co Paper •. 4605 ..do 20th Century Press Clipping 4606 ..do Bureau Clippings Supplies E. A. Robinson 4607 ..do Repairing walks, etc Welch & Hawley 4608 ..do R.J.Stone Sheep 4609 ..do .do Roofing, ha3>, etc 4610 F. Fisher Corn and oats D. T. Dobbins, Prop 4611 ..do T h e Alexander Lumber C o . . . Lumber 4612 ..do Clay Robinson & Co Sheep 4613 ..do Groceries Percival & Hall 4614 ..do Geo. I. Foster Expenses 4615 ..do W.W.Jerauld Cloth 4616 ..do Labor and material Leavitt Mfg. Co 4617 ..do Livery hire J. E. McGurty 4618 ..do H . M c F a d d e n & Bro Meal 4619 ..do Jas. E. Casey Photo supplies 4620 ..do ;.. 4621 ..do J. Manz E n g r a v i n g Co Halftones 4622 ..do Expenses J . F . Jolly 4623 ..do H. A. Aldrich ..do 4624 ..do Chicago Calcium L i g h t C o . . . Gas Reliable P l u m b i n g & Heating 4625 ..do Co Supplies Bausch & L o m b Optical C o . . Supplies 4626 ..do ..do Orr & Lockett Hardware C o . Scale 4627 R. R. D o n n e l l e y & Sons C o . . Reprinting 4628 ..do Plastering Ross E . Van Dervort 4629 ..do W h e e l , etc 4630 ..do L. T. Bromfield J. B. W a l t o n & Sons 4631 ..do Wireing T w i n City Electric Co 4632 ..do Balances, weights, etc 4633 ..do Henry Troemner Mt. H o p e Cemetery Assn Clover hay 4631 ..do T h e Roessler & Hasslacher 4635 ..do Supplies Chemical Co H. A. Winter Corn 4636 ..do Creamery Package Mfg. C o . . Thermometers, etc 4637 ..do 4638 ..do Stationery supplies, etc D. H . Lloyde 4639 ..do J. H . Thrash Corn 4640 ..do Hubbard & Sons Hardware 4641 ..do E.E.Chester 4642 ..do Dairyman's cleaner T h e J . B . F o r d Co 4643 ..do T h e Board of Trade of the Bags and samples City of Chicago 4644 ..do Furniture supplies Walker & Mulliken 4645 ..do M o n t g o m e r y Ward & C o . . . . Pruning saws 4646 ..do R i n g e r & Hert/.berg r Bookbinding 4647 ..do J. W . Butler P a p e r Co 4648 ..do 4649 ..do Champaign Gas & Electric Supply Co 4650 ..do C. A . Rowe 4651 ..do Hardware, etc W. I. Saffell Co 4652 ..do W.F.Hardy $ 6 00 31 15 4 85 3 00 1 30 5 00 1 7 1 14 37 2 8 1 50 69 25 50 45 60 75 70 * ... 12 20 4 06 43 23 7 95 11 90 42 63 16 30 2 50 11 02 41 83 70 00 83 54 6 85 197 45 522 49 15 88 4 65 4 40 4 52 5 50 19 80 46 00 3 36 11 38 13 35 6 25 164 29 262 09 8 50 32 40 13 50 3 40 8 00 9 77 281 10 20 35 90 00 32 50 6 85 94 37 10 00 24 07 20 00 15 00 12 116 2 19 17 50 20 58 90 67 30 00 - 24 56 23 75 20 07 53 60
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