Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

226 UNIVEEblTY OP ILLINOIS. [Nov. 20 General University Warrants—Continued. No. Date. To Whom. F o r What. Amount. 1906 3689 N o v . 20 Albert Sauveur 3690 A. C. M c C l u r g & Co Books Caliaghan & Co 3691 Book 3692 Keefe Davidson Co 3693 Books T . H . Flood & Co Extra teaching 3694 R u t h B . Taylor 3695 Expenses F . O. Dufour 3696 Geo. B. W e b b e r Labor and material D. A. Abrams 3697 Expenses S.S.Colvin 3698 3699 Expenses H. W . Mumford 3700 Russell Arbuckle Hauling hay 3701 J. H . P e t t i t t Expenses 3702 E. R. Allen . .do 3703 J. G. Mosier ; . . . 3704 A. L . H e n c h 1 3705 Chas. T . Ripley 3706 W. T.Craig 3707 Elmer J e n k i n s . .do 3708 Central Union T e l e p h o n e Co Services 3709 Franklin T . Baker 3710 K. C. Davis ; . . . . . .do 3711 E. J. Lake 3712 M. G. Snvder Labor and material 3713 Alexander McLean Expenses 3714 F . M. Byers Labor 3715 Students' payroll, October, 1906.... 3716 . .do Mens' payroll, October, 1906 3717 S. W. Shattuck Expenses 3718 Charles Englehard Tubes 3719 C. S. McGovney Expenses 3720 S. A. Bullard 3721 Labor 3722 O. E . Staples, chief clerk. ,.. Illinois Central freight-. . .do 3723 Pacific and American express 3724 Big F o u r freight 3725 Anna S. Palmer Reading themes 3726 T h e Dillon Greenhouse Mfg. Co Supplies 3727 Daily Drovers Telegram C o . . 3728 E. M. Burr & Co 3729 F a n motor Guarantee Electric Co 3730 Supplies E. H . Sargent & Co 3731 P. h. Turner Bands 3732 M. D. Clark Book 3733 The Engineering Magazine.. 3734 T h o m a s Naughton Services, November, 1906.... M. A. Seed Dry Plate Co 3735 Plates Twin City Electric Co 3736 Electric supplies Alexander L u m b e r Co 3737 Lumber -3738 M. C. Peters Mill Co Alfalfa 3739 R i c h m o n d & Backus Co Paper and binder 3740 Linseed cake , Midland Linseed Co 3741 Edward Bailey Hay 3742 T h e Photographic Materials Co Supplies 3743 W. F . H a r d y 3744 T h e State Entomologist Canvas 3745 Ink Riddle & Wunderlee 3746 Illinois Glass Co R o u n d fet and corks 3747 A. H . Barber Creamery Supply Co 3748 Matches 3749 Vaughan's Seed Store Seeds 3750 H. B. Perry 3751 Champaign C e m e n t Block Co Setting motor 3752 :. T h e Glucose Sugar Refining Co Feed 3753 P h o e n i x Nursery Co Trees .*. 3754 Mcintosh Stereopticon Co Services and expenses 3755 T h e Ayrshire Breeders Association 3756, Holstein-Friesian Association Registering of America 3757 Montgomery W a r d & Co Supplies .... 3758 T h e Kny-Scheerer Co $333 72 22 95 112 75 6 50 158 50 30 00 14 30 28 38 13 55 7 22 60 05 28 75 59 85 75 80 70 35 229 10 111 50 18 90 11 40 12 85 100 00 32 60 5 05 195 80 78 10 27 60 614 23 102 55 26 60 12 00 37 80 79 50 40 33 124 44 82 79 25 48 14 00 5 40 1 40 441 68 10 00 39 90 4: 68 3 00 4 25 50 00 21 16 117 14 493 05 • 18 50 27 50 582 00 162 70 12 25 62 22 16 97 1 25 4 73 155 96 10 00 56 29 10 00 10 G O 351 75 4 10 34 97 7 00 7 50 138 72 6 00