Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

158 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. [July 6 obliged to make other provisions for this printing. I see no better way than to ask the. University to join me in this matter, the State Laboratory returning an equivalent to the University in the form of teaching and part payment of salaries.for two instructors—a proposition Which I have presented in full in a separate communication to President James. Respectfully submitted, S. A. FORBES, Director of Laboratory. PEES IN GRADUATE SCHOOL. 6. " Request of the faculty of the Graduate School that assistants and instructors employed in the University and registered in the-Graduate School should, be permitted to take work without the payment of incidental fees, when it is of a grade to count for a higher degree. Voted that said request be .granted. 7. Request of the Tennis Association that the University take care of the tennis courts at its own expense. Voted t h a t the president be authorized to have the requisite attention, given to these courts. 8. A communication from Professor Edwin G. Dexter resigning his position as Professor of Education in the University. URBANA, I I I . , July 3, 1907. To the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois: I hereby tender my resignation as Professor of Education and Director of the School of Education in the University of Illinois, to take effect September 1, 1907. It is not without many regrets that I take this action, the seven years of my association with the University having been uniformly marked, by fair and courteous treatment on your part and that of the other officers of the University with whom I have been associated. President Roosevelt has, however, offered me the Commissionership of Education in Porto Rico and it is to make possible the acceptance of that position that I am tendering my resignation. With best wishes for the future of your great University and making bold to express the hope that the particular interests which I am laying down be more fully emphasized under my successor than they have ever been under me, I am Yours very truly, EDWIN G. DEXTER. Voted that indefinite leave of absence without pay be granted to Profesosr Dexter to act for the federal government as United States Commissioner of Education in Porto Eico. 9. A request from the Director of the Agricultural Experimental Station for an appropriation of $5,500.00 or so much thereof as may be necessary to erect a-house and barn for an attendant on the south farm in connection with the dairy investigations, to be charged to the special appropriation for dairy investigations. Voted to approve such recommendation. FUNDS ASSIGNED. 10. A recommendation that the funds granted by the Legislature for the biennium 1907-09 be assigned to the various purposes indicated in the law, subject to the usual appropriation acts by the Board of Trustees of the University. Voted that such recommendation be approved.