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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1907] P E O C E E D I N G S OF T H E BOARD OF T E U S T E E S . 153 Salaries and Appointments in Dental Department—Concluded. Department of Obstetrics: Professor Rachalle Yarros O n e graduate assistant O n e nurse (expenses only) O n e servant (Bessie N e w m a n ) • Library: Metta M. Loorriis T w o student assistants. Museum: Grace E. Amadon George S. J o n e s (dissecting r o o m ) . Curator of Laboratories: H . W . Cole, curator. This includes care of microscopes. Dispensary: One druggist. (Dr. E. J . Danek) O n e nurse (Mrs. J o s e p h i n e Allen) Clinics: One nurse Miscellaneous services: Professor F r a n k B. Earle, secretary William H . Browne, superintendent Elizabeth M. H e e l a n , clerk. Margaret V a u g h n , stenographer. J. S. Tomlinson, actuary's clerk.. J. C. Southwell, engineer. O n e n i g h t engineer, (4 m o n t h s ) . T w o firemen , O n e night watchman O n e head janitor O n e elevator man F o u r janitors Total for Medical D e p a r t m e n t . Budget for Dental Department— Estimated income Salaries for instruction Salaries for service F u e l and light Stationery and printing Laboratories and clinics Advertising and a n n o u n c e m e n t . Furniture and fixtures Incidentals Balance. Salaries and Appointments in Dental Department— George W . Cook, Acting Dean, Professor of Bacteriology and Pathology : Don M. Gallie, Professor of Operative Dentistry and T e c h n i c . . Charles E. Jones, secretary, Associate Professor Prosthetic! Technic, Materia Medica, and Therapeutics George W . Dittmar, Associate Prof essor of Operative Dentistry' Technic, and Superintendent of infirmary J. A. Burrell, Professor of Orthodontia F . E . Roach, Professor of Prosthetic Dentistry, Technic, History, and Porcelain Work T. L . Grismore, Professor of Dental Chemistry and Metallurgy F . B. Moorehead, Professor of Oral S u r g e r y . . Adjunct Professor of General and Regional A n a t o m y J. F . Burkholder, Professor of Physiology Elmer D. Brothers, Professor of Dental Jurisprudence S. E. Meek, Professor of Compartive A n a t o m y Demonstrators— Louis E, Bake, porcelain and technic department Arthur G. N a u m a n , operative department Louis Miller, operative department and Theracs H e n r y C. Lee, operative department C. B. Meek, prosthetic department $600 00 360 00 100 00 300 00 $720 00 100 00 $500 00 600 00 $480 00 480 00 ; , ' $1,200 00 2,000 00 720 00 720 00 1,200 00 1,200 00 240 00 1,440 00 480 00 540 00 360 00 1,440 00 $8,550 00 2,070 00 1,000 00 200 00 3,000 00 1,500 00 100 00 500 00 1,000 00 800 00 1,200 00 1,200 00 400 00 800 00 200 00 200 00 606 00 300 00 100 00 50 00 800 00 300 00 200 00 200 00 200 00 I
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