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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

146 T. E. Savage UNIVEESITY OF ILLINOIS. [July 6 Increase Assistant Professor of Geology, Second Semester, -entire salary . . . .... $750 George T. Kemp .. .Professor of Physiology 200 Frank Smith .......Associate Professor of Zoology ' 200 J. W. Folsom Associate in Entomology 100 L. H. Smith * Assistant Professor of Plant Breeding in the University and Assistant Chief in Plant Breeding in Agricultural Experiment Station 600 H. W. Mumford .. .Professor of Animal Husbandry and Chief in Animal Husbandry in the Agricultural Experiment Station 500 J. C. Blair Professor in Pomology and Chief in Horticulture in Agricultural Experiment Station . 500 J. W. Lloyd Assistant Professor in Olericulture in University and Assistant Chief in Olericuture in Agricultural Experiment Station 600 Isabel Bevier Professor of Household Science ' 400 Susannah Usher .. .Assistant Professor of Household Science .. 200 H. S. Grindley Professor of Animal Chemistry in the University and Chief in Animal Chemistry in Agricultural Experiment Station 500 Frederick Green . .Professor of Law 500 G. L. Clark ^Professor of Law 300 Associate Professor of Law 100 E. J. Northrup Professor of Sanitary Chemistry and Director of Edward Bartow State Water Survey 500 H. A. Hollister . : . .High School Visitor, Assistant Professor 200 W. L. Pillsbury ...Secretary and Registrar, from July 1, 1907 500 7. That the following be appointed instructors and assistants for ten or twelve months as indicated, at the salaries indicated. Mas. Salary E. V. Lawrence .. .Instructor in Art and Design 10 $1,000 Mary M. Wetmore .Instructor in Art and Design 10 1,000 Isabel Jones Instructor in Art and Design 10 900 E. L. Norton Instructor in Education .10 1,200 A. L. Eno Instructor in Rhetoric 10 850 ; Martha J. Kyle Instructor in Rhetoric 10 1,000 P. H. Houston . . . .Instructor in English ' 10 900 M. C. Bates ^Instructor in Rhetoric and English 10 900 Mary E. Fawcett . .Assistant in Rhetoric 10 350 Carl Van Doren . .Assistant in Rhetoric 10 350 L: F. Sears Instructor in Rhetoric 10 1,000 Florence N. Jones . Instructor in Romanic Languages .10 1,000 Daisy L. Blaisdell .Instructor in German . . . 4 10 1,000 C. G. Davis . . . . Instructor in German 10 1,000 J. A. Chiles .. .Instructor in German 10 950 Josef Wiehr .... Instructor in German 10 1,000 C. H. Hilmer ......Assistant in German, half time 10 600 R. B. Slippy .Instructor in Civil Engineering 10; 1,200 C. C. Wiley Instructor in Civil Engineering : 10 1,100 F. G. Wilson Instructor in Electrical Engineering 10 1,250 D. L. Scroggin ....Instructor in Machine Shop ..10 1,100 L. W. Goben Assistant in Machine Shop 10. 950 Frederick Ellis . . . Instructor in the Wood Shop 10 1,100 James Duncan . . . .Assistant in the Wood Shop ...10 800 Shields Casper . . . .Instructor in the Foundry 10 800 E. T. Lanham Instructor in the Forge Shop .10 950 Alfred R. Bench ...Instructor in Mechanical Engineering 10 1,000 W. V. Dunkin Instructor in Machine Design 10 1,200 C. M. Garland .....Instructor in Mechanical Engineering 10 1,100 H. F. God eke Instructor in Mechanical Engineering Laboratory 10 1,000
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