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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1907] PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES. UNIVEESITY OF ILLINOIS, UBBANA, I I I . 139 J u n e 26, 1907. W. L. Abbott, Esq., President of the Board of Trustees, University of Illinois^ DEAR SIR—According to t h e directions of the board given J u n e 4th I inserted t h e attached advertisement in two of t h e local papers. In answer to it the following bids, for f u r n i s h i n g the cadet uniforms for t h e years 1907-8 and 1908-9 w e r e received: Cadet and CommissBan.d i o n e d offiercs non-commiss- complete. ined officers complete. complete. E. A. Armstrong Mfg. Co., Chicago J. H. Hirsh & Co., Chicago Fred Kaufman, Chicago $18 80 15 50 14 50 $19 05 15 50 15 00 21 00 20 75 I have notified Mr. K a u f m a n t h a t he will be a w a r d e d the contract. Soon afetr the board m e e t i n g of J u n e 4th I notified W. I. Saffel and K. E. Ford t h a t t h e University expected to p u r c h a s e t h e N. W. % of t h e N. E. 14 section 19, township 19, r a n g e 9 east of 3rd principal meridian, a n d requested t h a t they furnish an abstract of title. This has been received but is not. considered satisfactory in some respects; steps have been t a k e n to m a k e it so. Respectfully submitted) S. W. SHATTUCK, Comptroller. The committee adjourned. W. L. ABBOTT, W. L . PlLLSBURY, President. Secretary.
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