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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

136 UNIVEESITY OF ILLINOIS. [June 28 The following resolution was adopted: AUTHORITY TO ISSUE REQUISITIONS. Resolved, That the president and secretary of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois be directed to draw upon the Auditor of Public Accounts such requisitions as the law requires, in order that he may issue to the treasurer of the University his warrants upon the said treasurer for the sums of money appropriated by the Legislature to the University of Illinois or to any of its departments. CHAIRS FOR THE AUDITORIUM. The committee voted to recommend to the board the purchase of the "New York" chair at $2.07, the chairs to be set up and adjusted to the floor of the audience room. MATTERS PRESENTED BY PRESIDENT JAMES. N The president of the University presented the following matters for •consideration: 1. Budget of the Medical School. Eeferred to the Medical Committee for consideration and report/ 2. Suggestion from Professor Forbes that $500.00 of his salary be charged to the University account, as head of the department of Zoology and $1,250.00 to the State Laboratory for the year 1907-08. Approved. 3. That the President be authorized to appoint Chester Gr. Vernier instructor in the Law School at a salary of $1,200.00 a year, beginning September 1, 1907. Approved. 4. That the. President be authorized to appoint Roy Caston Flickinger associate in the classics for the term of two years beginning September 1, 1907, at a salary of $1,500.00 a year. Approved. 5. That the president be authorized to appoint Dr. Fred Kuhlman instructor in Psychology for the academic year beginning September 1, 1907, at a salary of $900.00 per annum. Approved. 6. That the president be authorized to appoint Professor E. J. Wilczynski of the University of California associate professor of Mathematics in the University of Illinois at a salary of $2,400.00 a year, work and salary to begin September 1, 1907. Approved. 7. That the president be authorized to appoint Professor Ernest R. Dewsnup of the University of Chicago professor of Railway Administration in the University of Illinois at a salary of $3,000.00 a year, work and salary to begin September 1, 1907. . -. •' Approved.* 8. That the president be authorized to appoint Mr. Robert M. McCurdy Order Librarian at a salary of $1,000.00 per annum, work and salary to gin September 1, 1907. Approved.
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