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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

132 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. [June 10 After. hearing Mr. McKinley and discussing the matter at length the questions involved were referred to a special committee consisting of the chairman of .the Committee on Buildings and Grounds, Mr. Abbott, and President James for investigation and report. The committee was directed to confer with Judge Harker as to the legal propositions involved. MATTERS PRESENTED BY PRESIDENT JAMES. The president presented the following matters for consideration: APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE NEXT BIENNIUM. 1. I have received from the Secretary of State certified copies of three acts passed by the last Legislature making appropriations for the University. The first is "An Act to extend the equipment and increase the instruction in the College of Agriculture and provide for the extension of the Agricultural Experiment Station and make appropriations therefor." In this act the following appropriations have been made: . Per Annum. College of Agriculture F e e d i n g experiment . E x p e r i m e n t s in methods of producing corn and wheat.. Examination of soils Orchard investigations Dairy inveltigations Floriculture investigations , Total. $50,000 00 25.000 001 15,000 00 25,000 00 15,000 00 15,000 00! 7,500 00 $305,000 00 Per Biennium. The second act is an act entitled "Making appropriation® for the-University of Illinois." Under this act the following appropriations have been made: Per Annum. Per Biennium. Salaries and ordinary operating expenses $450,000 00 5,000 00 Materials for shop practice 2,000 001 Increasing cabinets and collections 25,000 00 Purchase of books, etc., for library 3,000 00 Additions to apparatus and appliances — 1,500 00 Fire protection : Maintenance and extension of E n g i n e e r i n g College and equipment of E n g i n e e r i n g E x p e r i m e n t Station ..... — . . . 75,000 G O 14,345 00 Repairs on buildings a n d improvements to g r o u n d s . 6,000 00 State Water S u r v e y . . . ; . ... ,. 5,000 00 Draining, fencing, etc., on experimental farms 25,000 00 Maintenance of d e p a r t m e n t of social and politicalscience.. 3,000 00 Maintenance of School of Music '.:..' 6,000 00 Agricultural extension and instruction at farmers' institutes. 15,000 00 E q u i p m e n t and support of L a w School 10,000 00 E q u i p m e n t and maintenance of Chemical Laboratory 5,000 00 E q u i p m e n t and maintenance of School.of P h a r m a c y . 50,000 00 Maintenance of Graduate S c h o o l . . . . $ Maintenance of Veterinary College Maintenance of School of Household and Domestic Science. 10,000 00 Additional equipment to t h e water station.'...' Increasing telephone exchanged Enlarging general heating and lighting plant F o r purchase' of farm land, 30,000 00 3,000 00 1,500 00 35,000 00 11,600 00 $1,502,790 00
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