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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

124 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. [June 10 . There was due from the Dearborn Medical College May 1st, 1907, $1,651.99; $1,500.00 of this, when collected, should be applied in the payment of the maximum salaries of the faculty. Of the fees reported by the registrar as due for the year, $453.16 remains uncollected. This is a smaller amount than usual. Paper # is a budget of the College of Medicine 1907-08. Respectfully submitted S. W., SHATTUCK, Comptroller. APPROPRIATIONS. Appropriations were made as recommended by the comptroller in paper I above. COLLEGE OF M E D I C I N E . The paper submitted by the comptroller with regard to the College of Medicine was left over for future consideration. Dr. Davison submitted a report to the board of trustees, made by Dr. D. A. K. Steele, president of the College of Physician and Surgeons, containing 1. An official list of the stockholders of the College of Physicians and Surgeons May 6, 1907. 2. An official list of: the bond-holders of. the College of Physicians and Surgeons June 6, 1907. 3. An official report of the treasurer of the College of Physicians and Surgeons May 9, 1906. 4. An official report of the- treasurer for the year ending May 13, 1907. This document was filed wrth the secretary. COMMUNICATIONS SUBMITTED BY PRESIDENT JAMES. 1. I ask authority to confer degrees and certificates upon the persons recommended for degrees and certificates by the proper authorities of the. University. Authority was given as asked. DEGREES CONFERRED J U N E 12, 1907. COMMUNICATIONS SUBMITTED BY PRESIDENT JAMES. COLLEGE OF LITERATURE AND ARTS. DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS,. In Specialized Courses, Thesi$ Required. Oscar William Beckemeyer Jacob Christian Eberspacher Carrie Bell Norton Imogene Shade Carl Clinton Van Doren In General Courses Ghloe Merri Apple Maud Gertrude Armstrong Leo Preston Baird Cecil Franklin Baker, B. S., 1907 Eva Balch "William Floyd Barnett Eleanor Mahan Beardsley James Peter Beck Claude Belts Ora Littlefield Born
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