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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1907] PKOCEEDINGS OF THE BOAED OF TEUSTEES. CADET UNIFOEMS. 118 The comptroller was directed to advertise for bids for furnishing the cadet uniforms for the next two years, and was given authority to contract ,on the lowest and best bid, requiring a satisfactory bond for the performance of the contract not less than $2,000 in amount. D E E D TO FARM LAND. The comptroller was directed to take necessary steps for the purchase of forty (40) acres of land for which an option is held in accordance with the terms of a lease between William I. Saffell and K. E. Ford, using therefor the money appropriated by the General Assembly. GEADUATES FEOM THE COLLEGE OF MEDICINE. Authority was given the president to confer the degree of Doctor of Medicine upon these persons who were recommended therefor by the faculty of the College of Medicine. LIST OF SENIOR STUDENTS 1906-1907. Adolph Oscar Aaker Fred Beam Cyphers, M. D. John Aimone George Luther Davenport David Alexander Wills Iwing Dillingham, M. D. Charles Newton Allison Fred Robert Disney Frank Godfrey Andreen, A. M. Oscar Boone Edmondson, B. S. Mott Hunton Arnold James Albert Edwards Elmer David Augspurger Louis William Eidam Arthur Simon Bach man Jesse Ettelson Elizabeth Browning* Ball Mirza Ameen Ullah Fareed Charles Anson Ballard John Hogan Farrell Charles Eduard Max Fischer Eric Kline Bartholomew Will Otto Bell, M. D. Arthur Leopold Forster Elizabeth Bentele George Snow Fortier Eugene Emmett. Bermingham Jacob Frank Friesen, M. D. Burt George Bissell Oscar Brunk Funkhouser Francis Earl Briggs Otto Albert Gahl Calvin Edgar Brown, M. D. Walter Bertram Gerhard Robert Herman Buck, D. D. S. James Graybeal Holland Todd Ground Arthur Jefferson Buckner Charles Oliver Bulger William Parker Gunn Chester John Challenger, M. D. Silas Van Hageman Frank Chauvet* Oscar Amadeus Hansen, M. D. Robert Rochester Hansen John Kendall Chorlog, A. B. Fred B. Clarke J. Glen Harbison, M. D. John Edward Clark Esther Alice Hart Charles Frazier Clark Martha Hayward John Golder Cogswell, B. S. Ph. G. Maurice Charles Hecht Ada Scott Conner [M. D. Thomas Jerome Henneberry Alfred Woodham Conner Robert Asa Hills Charles Larkin Conroy, A. B. John Herman Holm William Henry Conser Clyde Switzer Horton Martha Marilla Crofut Ross Huston William McKee Crosier John Knox Jamieson, M. D. Joseph Louis Cunningham Hilerd Enno Jenkins Joseph Swisher Cunningham, M. D. Earl Bowen Jewell William J. Demore^t Curtis Johannes Johnson —8U
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