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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

104 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. / [Apr. 25 CONNECTING TELEPHONE EXCHANGE WITH B E L L 'PHONE EXCHANGE. The chairman of the Committee on Buildings and Grounds has filed with the secretary the following letter (see meeting of March 12, 1907): April 1, 1907: Prof. Morgan Brooks, University of Illinois, Urbana, 111. DEAR SIR: Referring- to the proposition of Wm. Upham, manager of the Champaign Bell Exchange, dated March 6th, and to your letter of March 9th on the same subject, I hereby authorize you to accept Mr. Upham's proposition to connect with five trunk lines to the University telephone exchange at a rental price of $180 per year for the entire service. This is on the condition that such a connection wjll not interfere with our arrangement with the Home Telephone Company. Very truly yours, W. L. ABBOTT, Chairman Buildings and Grounds Committee. COMMISSION ON PHYSICS BUILDING. Pursuant to the order of the board (see meetingof March 12, 1907), President Abbott appointed April 9, 1907, the following members on the commission: : Dr. Edmund J. James, Chairman; Lewis L. Lehman, W. L. Abbott, L. Hatch. T. J. Burrill, Vice-President; Dean David Kinley, Dean Green, Dean J. M. White, Dean E. J. Townsend, Prof. A. P. Carman, L. P. Breckenridge, Prof. C. W. Rolfe, C. H. Blackall, Lorado Samuel A. Bullard, Samuel W. Stratton. TiEE A U D I T O R I U M . Fred. E. B. Prof. Taft, The following report from the Committee on Buildings and Grounds ^was received and approved. URBANA, LLL., April 6, 1907. To the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois: Your committee reports that at a meeting held at the University April 6th to consider matters relating to the Auditorium, the following described extras were authorized, amounting to $3,098.54: 1. Substituting 24-gauge Mahoning expanded metal lath for wood lath on the ceiling of the audience room to balcony floor level, for the sum of one thousand four hundred and thirty-two dollars and thirty-nine cents ($1,432.39). 2. Using same lath as specified above on memorial vestibule walls and ceiling's throughout the entire length for the sum of eight hundred and seven dollars and ninety-five cents ($807.95). 3. Lowering the ceilings of the southeast and southwest stair halls and putting in an independent floor above the ceiling for the sum of three hundred and seventy dollars ($370). 4. Building two stairs to the basement for the sum of three hundred and thirty-eight dollars ($338). 5. The substitution of hard plaster for common plaster for wainscoting in portions of the vestibules and corridors for the sum of .sixty dollars ($60). . 6. A wire circuit for the stereopticon lantern, forty dollars ($40). 7. Footlights, fifty dollars ($50). Very truly yours, W. L. ABBOTT, Chairman Com. on Buildings and Grounds.
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