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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1907] P R O C E E D I N G S OF T H E BOAED O F TEUSTEES. 83 Treasurer's Report—Concluded. Dr. 1906 N o v e m b e r 12 Received from O. E. Staples, for credit of Agricultural] E x p e r i m e n t Station \ 528 22 19 Received from School of Pharmacy for credit of School 80 00 of Pharmacy fund 21 Received from School of Pharmacy, for credit of School 130 00 of P h a r m a c y fund 24 Received from School of Pharmacy, for credit of School 105 00 of Pharmacy fund | 26 Received from School of Pharmacy, for credit of School 205 00 of Pharmacy fund .*..., 281Received from School of Pharmacy, for credit of School 125 (3b of Pharmacy fund 30| Received from School of Pharmacy, for credit of School] 208 34 of Pharmacy fund December 1 Received from College of Medicine for credit of College 1,256 70 of Medicine fund II Received from School of Pharmacy, for credit of School 276 66 of Pharmacy f u n d . . . . . l! Received from State Bank of Chicago, proceeds of sale of twenty-five Michigan State .Telephone C o m p a n y 2,466 32 bonds, for credit of general fund '.'..' Received from School of Pharmacy, for credit of School 131 00 of Pharmacy fund Received from College of Dentistry, for credit of College 1,134 40 of Medicine fund — Received from School of Pharmacy, for credit of School] 99 00 of Pharmacy fund ,— — 10,000 00 Received from Ch E. Staples, for credit of general fund Received from United States Treasurer, for credit of 1,750 00 general fund Received from School of Pharmacy for credit of School 95 00 of Pharmacy fund Received from College of Medicine, for credit of Col 518 46 lege of Medicine f u n d . . Received from School of Pharmacy for credit of School] 90 00 of Pharmacy fund ] Received from State Treasurer for credit of general fund] 216,250 00 Received from College of Medicine, for credit of Col 435 00 lege of M edicine fund Received from School of Pharmacy for credit of School! 85 00 of Pharmacy fund Received from Chicago State Bank, proceeds of sale of six shares of Michigan State T e l e p h o n e C o m p a n y 240 00 stock, for credit of general fund Received from State^Bank of Chicago, proceeds of sale of ten shares of Michigan State T e l e p h o n e Company] 895 55 stock (preferred), for credit of general fund Received from School of Pharmacy for credit of School 100 00 of Pharmacy fund Received from School of P h a r m a c y for credit of School 115 00! of Pharmacy fund , Received from State Treasurer for credit of general fund 108,750 00 Received from O. E. Staples for credit of general fund.. 10,000 00 Received from School of Pharmacy for credit of School 8 50 of Pharmacy fund 1906 December Cr. By a m o u n t paid out of general fund, as per list of warrants herewith •. $265,595 70 By a m o u n t paid out of Agricultural E x p e r i m e n t Station 3,584 65 fund, as per list of warrants herewith -....: By a m o u n t paid out of School of Pharmacy fund, as per 5,670 12 list of warrants herewith By a m o u n t paid out of College of Medicine fund, as per| 31,923 56 list of warrants herewith Balances— General fund Agricultural E x p e r i m e n t Station fund.. School of Pharmacy fund College of Medicine fund $398,909 3,200 3,718 7,508 51 24 09| 7.r] $427,494 40 $720,113 62 $306,777 03 413,336 59 720,113 62 Respectfully s u b m i t t e d , H. A. H A U G A N , Treasurer.
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