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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

80 UNIVEESITY OF ILLINOIS. [Mar. 12 Voted that said plan be approved in general, and that Professor Grrindley be appointed to said professorship at the salary indicated; and that the president of the University be authorized to submit nominations for the other positions created by this act. Voted further, that the president of the University be authorized to nominate a successor to Professor Grrindley in the department of chemistry in the College of Science. 8. Professor Rolfe, head of the Department of Ceramics, recommends that Mr. A. V. Bleininger, assistant professor of ceramics in the Ohio State University, be appointed assistant professor of ceramics in the University of Illinois at a salary of $2,000 a year, work and salary to begin September 1, 1907. Voted that such appointment be made. BASEBALL GRAND STAND. . 9. Mr. George Huff, director of physical training, asks for permission to erect a baseball grand stand on Illinois Field. The stand will be located north and east of the baseball diamond. It is planned to erect a wooden L-shaped structure, which will be approximately 150 feet in length and 6Q feet in depth. The cost will be approximately $5,000. Voted that such permission be given. 10. Professor John M. Truman has submitted his resignation as assistant professor of dairy husbandry in the University of Illinois, to take effect April 1, 1907. Voted -that said resignation be accepted. CONNECTING UNIVERSITY AND BELL TELEPHONE EXCHANGES. 11. Professor Morgan Brooks recommends that the offer herewith submitted from the Central Union Telephone Company to make a working connection with our University automatic exchange be accepted. Voted that the same be referred to the Committee on Buildings and Grounds with power to act. CHANPAIGN I I I . , March 6, 1907. Professor Morgan Brooks, TJrbana, Illinois: DEAR SIR—Confirming my several conversations with you relative to connecting your branch exchange with the Bell exchange, will say that our rate schedule is $3.50 per month per line for this class of service. In lieu of your furnishing any automatic equipment, coils, etc., needed in addition to the Bell equipment, we will furnish you five (5) trunk lines at $3 per month each —total $180 per year. Trusting that this will meet your approval and that we can soon connect your exchange up to our system on these rates, I am Yours truly, WM. UPHAM, Manager. URBANA, I I I . , March 9, 1907. W. L. Abbott, Esq., Chicago: MY DEAR MR. ABBOTT—I enclose copy of offer from the Central Union Telephone Company (the Bell Company! proposing a connection with bur automatic exchange for $180 a year, over five trunk lines, which we estimate to be adequate for present needs. As the only office of that company is the one at Champaign, less time is taken in making local connections than would otherwise be the case. The only question I have in regard to the adequacy of five trunk lines lies in the extended use of long distance lines, which hold a trunk busy for some time. I am sending the original offer to President James, with a strong recommendation for the trustees to accept the offer. I t is so very favorable, that I can only think it due to the desire on the part of the new management of
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