Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1898 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
34 Paper UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. [Sept. 15, B—State \ Appropriations.—Continued. Received. Expended. Balance. Assigned. College of Engineering— Machine shop Mechanical engineering Civil engineering' Laboratory of Applied. Mechanics and Municipal and Sanitary Engineering.. Architectu re > Unassigned.... , $17,008 2,911 3,325 1,600 1,600 1,500 500 1,555 04 16 00 00 00 00 00 80 $17,008,04 2,602 55 2,705 05 321 65 268 82 805 60 194 48 $23.906 19 $1,191 77 383 48 439 61 151 13 220 83 763 10 161 58 $3,311 50 $1,478 49 3,256 37 308 61 619 95 1,278 35 1,331 18 694 40 305 52 1,555 80 $6.093 81 308 61 6)9 95 1,278 35 1,331 18 694 40 305 52 $4,538 01 / Furnishing and Fitting Engineering Hall— Electric wiring Civil engineering Architecture Mechanical department Electrical engineering and physics College library and parlor Unassigned $30,000 00 $1,191 77 402 79 694 74 325 68 412 50 1,042 11 400 95 529 48 $5,000 00 $1,500 00 . . , $19 31 255 13 174 53 191 67 279 01 239 37 529 48 $i9 31 255 13 174 53 191 67 279 01 239 37 $1,159 02 $21 51 1,743 63 3,000 00 246 73 $1,688 50 $21 51 1,743 63 3.000 00 Chemical Laboratory '. Vaccine Laboratory Illinois State Laboratory of Natural History 5.000 00 3.000 00 9,900 00 9,653 27 246 73 BUSINESS MANAGER'S REPORT OF RECEIPTS FOR JUNE, 1896. • University examintion fees Preparatory examination fees Preparatory laboratory bills Greenhouse sales Mechanical department Civil engineering department bills Physics laboratory bills Chemical laboratory bills Botanical laboratory bills Zoological laboratory bills Geological laboratory bills Physiological laboratory bills , Incidental Minnesota land rents $20 00 9 00 66 60 62 15 14 60 49 60 176 55 838 08 1 55 48 45 25 83 5 00 2 00 128 74 $1,448 15