Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1898 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1897. J PROCEEDINGS OF BOARD OF TRUSTEES. 321 Warrants—Continued. No. To whom. For what. Amount. 135 Oct. 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 1591 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 1701 171! 172 173 174 175 176| 177 J a n . 1781 179 180 181 1821 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 J a n . 194 195 196 197 1981 199 200] 201 Feb. 2021 203 204 205 206 207 208| 209 30 S. W. Shattuck, Business M'g'r S u n d r y items Geo. W. P a r k e r & Son Remodeling case Mittendorf & Kiler Picture frames, etc F r a n k l i n E n g r ' v ' g & Electo. Co Zinc cuts S. A. Forbes Salary, 3 m o n t h s , to date H. C. Forbes \\ Nov., 1897 C.A.Hart Mary J. Snyder Lydia M. H a r t " Oct., 1897..!!"'.".".!!'.".'.'.;!!'.! Harlan Scott ;; Nov., 1897 C. A.Kofoid ** and part of Oct Miles Newberry Photographs Clauser Bros Bottles, oils, chemicles, etc W.H.Allen G. W. Geary Copper tank, etc Geo. E. McHo^e Labor Montgomery Ward & Co Book binding W. H. Rokker Printing and binding W. W, Lindley Stamped envelopes Franklin E n g r ' v ' g & Electo. Co Zinc cuts Lydia M. Hart Drawings Western Bank Note Engrav.Co Pat chment paper H. C . F o r b e s Expenses Blank book Keen & D e L a n g Brass discs, etc Bausch & Lomb Optical Co W. W. Lindley Stamps Henry M. Skinner Subscription J. M. D e n t & Co Ginn & Co Labels and cards Library Bureau R. S. Wilber Drayage Filter A u g u s t Geise Wire cloth Esty Wire Works Co Univ. of Illinois repair shop . . . Labor on centrifuga 1 S. W, Shattuck, b u s i n e s s m'g'r. Sundry items H. C. Forbes Salary for D e c , ,1897 C. A. Kofoid ('has. A. H a r t C. A. Adams Mary J. Snyder Miles Newberry H a r l e n Scott Postage stamps W. W. Lindley Ink, pens, etc D. H. Lloyde & Son Blocks for m o u n t i n g insects W. T. Falconer Mfg Co Registers Montgomery Ward & Co Bottle racks Geo. W. P a r k e r & Son W e s t e r n Union Telegraph Co.. Telegrams for D e c , 1897 Subscription Chas. W. Smiley Foreign publications Wm. Wesley & f Son R. Freidlander & Son P r i n t i n g bulletins J. C. W i n s h i p Co Franklin E n g r V g & Electo. Co Zinc cuts Tin forms V. W . S h u c k Cork slabs Alfred L. Butz Cambridge Botanic'l Supply Co Labels Copy of t h e Auk L. S. Poster ^ Expenses C.A.Hart Salary for J a n . .,1898 C. A.Kofoid H.C.Forbes.. C.A.Hart Mary J. Snyder C. C. Adams Miles Newberry Lydia M. H a r t Harlen Scott Labor Phillips Bros Drawings Lydia M. H a r t Bausch & Lomb Optical C o . . . Subcription Revised statutes of Illinois Chicago Legal News Co Subscription for 1898 Lea Bros. & Co C u t t i n g frames Mittendorf & Kiler Champaign County Herald... (yards and paper Rugs, m a t t i n g , etc F. K. Robeson & Bro Coal 1. M. H e n n i n g e r $15 9 32 46 62 91 83 75 25 15 108 29 3 35 2 2 86 58 10 25 2 2 6 16 8 1 3 3 6 8 31 6 17 17 91 108 83 25 75 25 15 50 50' 3382 50' 6»> 33 00> 00 00 3a 00 5a 00 45 00 4975 90' 13 10 0< 0 00 70 00 65 00 00 52 00 30 89 50' 00' 44 43' 6633' 33' 00 00 00 00' 36 40' 1 40 33 00 11 25' 13 20' 4 27 1 00' 4 37 47 58: 215 15 15 60' 2 002 52 1 50' 3 0019 28108 33: 91 66. 83 33^ 75 00 25 00 25 00 5 48 25 00 34 80 27 30 1 00 4 00) 4 00' 1 258 85 36 40' 4 CO —21 U. I.