UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1898 [PAGE 285]

Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1898
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No. Date. To whom. For what. Amount-

1897. 210; J u l y 211



214 2151 216] 217 2181 219 220| 221 222! 223 224 225 226'Aug. 227! 2281 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236| 237 2381 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249

Office Specialty M ' i ' g Co Thos. N a u g h t o n H u b b a r d & Sons A. C. M c C l u r g & C o Uhas. A. Besore Champaign Supply Co Walker & Mullekin 111. Soc. of E n g . and Surveyors. Petty & Sayers E. Davenport Chicago Chonicle Co S. W. Shattuck, B u s i n e s s M ' g ' r


251 252 253 254 255 256 257 2581


260 261


263 264 265 266 267

270 271 2721 273 274 Aug-. 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284


W. W. Lindley Arthur W. Palmer J. E. A r m s t r o n g F.M.McKay S. A. Bullard W. L. Pillsbury T. R. Leal (Trading, hauling, etc R. W . S t a r k Salary, J u l y . 1897 Edward B u s h Collecting samples Chas. T. Wilder Blue p r i n t s Brick and sand Sheldon Brick Co J. C. Sedgwick Expenses, etc W. W. W a l l s & C o Lumber Seth J. Temple Services as architect A. Swannell Glass, d r u g s , etc Hill Art Glass and Dec'r'tive Co Shellac, finishing, etc McClellan & Price Contract painting, etc J. D. Green Roofing cornice, labor, etc . Alexander L u m b e r Co Lime, plaster, etc J. M Chase Painting The Gazette Printing Knowlton & B e n n e t t Tracing paper, blanks, etc Mittendorf & Kiler Frames, chairs, etc Chicago Record Printing proposals Chicago Times-Herald Advertisement Lumber Chas. A. Besore P. E . Taintor Cement walks C. D. McLane Services as architect S. W. Shattuck, B u s i n e s s M'g'r Taxes on lands E.G.Keith Services of clerk J. C. M c F a i i a n d E x t r a on copper work Minnesota Sandstone Co Contract for cut stone J. C. McFarland || roofiing Robinson & B u r r plumbing Peoria Steam Marble Works || marble w o r k . . J o h n Caretti & Co || mosaic work.., Twin City Electric Co wiring J a s . H. R'ce Co glass . . . . . . J. A. Boland plastering Chicago Arch'l Iron W o r k s . *" ornamental iron. E x p a n d ' d Metal Fire Proof'g Co fire proofing Orr & Lockett H a r d w a r e Co . . . " hardware H. M. Dickson Mfg. Co '' mill work Hill Art Glass and Dec'r'tive Co " painting Chas. H. Besly & Co E m e r y cloth E i m e r & Amend Air p u m p , tubes, etc Library Bureau Oak cases and cards , J a s . B. Clow & Sons W a t e r pipe Orr & Lockett H a r d w a r e Co . . . Locks, knobs, etc ,U. & C. Electric Street R'y Co . C u r r e n t and gas 20|T. W i l e e C o Contract for flooring , H. M. R. Construction Co library building. Wylie Miller Repairing slate roof Hill Art Glass and Dec'r'tive Co Labor, oils, etc , Vic Beasley Plastering, etc H. M. Dickson Mtg. Co Doors, locks, lumber Champaign County Herald... P r i n t i n g p r o g r a m s , etc The Gazette P r i n t i n g circulars, etc Thos. Naughton Photographs Oldham Bros Metal polish. Wm. Price E s t a t e P a i n t i n g roof, etc Crescent P h a r m a c y , Clock, oil, etc

Binding case*s, etc Photographs H a r d w a r e , etc Painting r e p a i r s , etc . Lumber Pipe fittings, etc F r a m e s , etc Adverti sement Tables Expenses Advertising Freight Expressage S u n d r y items Postage Expenses

$6 00 9 50 ' 9 3614 13 54 3i 17 17 7 10 10 00* 20 00 18 34 69 00 99 91 57 46 82 39 58 00 10 IS 10 00 89 57 63 55 78 39 69 18 50 00 3 25 61 10 16 60 9 36 10 10 200 00 27 73 741 52 52 10 275 52 4 10 140 00 33 35 9 65 13 95 33 60 4 20 197 10 1,143 10 200 00 1,450 86 150 00 8 50 5,157 50 716 90 346 64 1,114 02 761 25 159 60 288 75 1,206 70 1,348 75 1,219 62 732 70 831 54 664 58 1 58 16 25 27 39 21 22 32 73 651 72 162 29 1,099 55 204 52 162 63 80 20 68 27 103 40 267 75 19 00 1 50 152 20 9 50