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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1898 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
268 UNIVERSITY OF I L L I N O I S . [June 8, HON. S. M. INGLIS, SUPERINTENDENT OP PUBLIC INSTRUCTION. The removal of Samuel M. Inglis from the duties of earthly existence has withdrawn from the membership of this Board one of its most active and efficient members. We have recognized in Mr. Inglis a man of great heart, genial, courteous and manly; a wise adviser and counselor, familiar with all the problems of school management; an educator of a strong and sound judgment upon all duties of the state toward children in its care, and of a comprehensive conception of the potential influences of education upon our national growth and perpetuity. Mr. Inglis entered into every phase of the work of this Board with diligence, wisdom, and faithfulness, and we are profoundly moved with the sense of loss sustained by this Board in his removal. We extend to his bereaved wife and family our deep sympathy in their sorrow and trust that to them, as to ourselves, the memories of the noble, christian life just closed will alleviate the deep sorrow which overshadows them. REPORTS FROM COMMITTEE ON BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS. SUPERINTENDENT OF BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS. URBANA, June 8, 1898. lo the Board of Irvstees of the University of Illinois. In pursuance of your instructions passed at the meeting of last March, (see p. 42) your Committee on Buildings and Grounds, after considering a number of applications for the position of superintendent of buildings and grounds, has appointed Mr. Nelson S. Spencer, of Champaign. Mr. Spencer is a graduate of the University of the class of 1882, from the course in architecture. He had charge of the wood shops of the University for a year or two after his graduation, bat severed his connection with the University to follow his profession in Nebraska. He returned from there to Champaign two years ago and is now a practicing architect in that city. His employment with us is to commence July first, salary $100.00 per month. Tour committee recommends the following: That the superintendent of buildings and grounds be made the custodian of all drawings, plats, charts, maps, and surveys, and of pipe, drainage, plumbing, and wire systems of the buildings and grounds of the University; that a room or rooms of sufficient size be set apart for their bestowal and preservation and for labor connected therewith; that all new drawings, maps, plats, etc., be made on mounted white paper of scale of convenient size; that old drawings, plats, etc., that are not now in a form or condition for preservation be made new; that all changes, modifications, or extensions made in the buildings, plumbing, drainage, tunneling, water or gas piping, wiring, or other work, plats of which ought to be preserved, shall be carefully entered upon the old plats and drawings, and that such other records be made in book form as may be necessary and satisfactory; that the Committee on Buildings and Grounds have general supervision of the work herein contemplated and report from time to time to the Board; that the sum of $200.00, or so much thereof as may be needed, be appropriated to provide furniture and materials, and that such labor as may be necessary be certified on the pay roll of the superintendent -of buildings and grounds, and that such labor be under his direct charge. Respectfully submitted, S. A. BULLARD, J. E. T. J. ARMSTRONG, SMITH, FLOWER, LUCY L. Committee on Buildings and Grounds.
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