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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1898 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
200 Paper June Operating Biological UNIVERSITY OF I L L I N O I S . [Sept. 21, B—State 30,1897. Experiment Station, Station equipment Appropriations—Concluded. Received. Expended. Balance $3,000 00 $2,500 00 $9,300 00 $2,731 09 $2,500 00 $9,300 00 $50 86 $2,235 12 $23,504 13 $320 05 $40 95 $145 59 $100 88 $50 86 $2,235 12 $23,504 13 $820 05 $40 95 $145 59 $100 88 $268 91 Assigned. $268 91 JBn>logieal Experiment $2,000-00 ' $1,949 14 $15,000 00 Jjibrwry Rail $12,764 88 $150,000 00 $126,495 87 $2,000 00 $6,000 00 $3,000 00 $5,000 00 $3,200 00 $3,000 00 $1,679 95 $5,95a 05 $2,854 41 $4,899 12 $3,200 00 $1,718 14 •$353 90 31 00 $384 90 $17,008 3,104 3,457 1,786 04 85 02 30 Fir® protection $1,281 86 $312 77 635'66 666 67 $1,615 10 $1,281 86 $312 77 635 66 666 67 $1,615 10 Vabiwe/tfs— Geology B©tany Zoology » .x $666 67 666 66 666 67 $2,000 00 Cotlegte &f Engineering— Machine shop Mechanical engineering' Electrical engineering and physics Civil engineering Laboratory of Applied Mechanics and Municipal and Sanitary E n g i n e e r i n g . . Architecture College of E n g i n e e r i n g Famishing and Fitting jElectric w i r i n g CJivil engineering Architecture Engineering Sail— $17,008 3,104 3,829 1,852 04 85 85 42 $372 83 66 12 422 95 213 59 229 88 $1,305 37 $372 83 66 12 422 95 •213 59 229 88 $1,305 37 1,852 42 1,752 42 600 00 $30,000 00 $1,191 77 478 43 770 38 401 30 563 78 1,193 39 400 96 $5,000 00 1,429 47 1,538 83 370 12 $28,694 63 $1,191 77 448 07 631 03 375 92 421 13 1.007 06 274 76 $4,349 74 Mechanical d e p a r t m e n t Electrical engineering and physics College library, parlor, etc $30 36 139 35 25 38 142 65 186 33 126 19 $650 26 $30 36 139 35 25 38 142 65 186 33 126 19 $650 26 * PAPER T— LABORATORY OF NATURAL HISTORY. June 30, 1897, p^EEd. $246 73 3.650 00 1,500 00 1,000 00 500 00 250 001 1,500 00 1,500 00 $10,146 73 I Expended. Balance. $246 73 76 54 183 42 4 23 183 00 649 42 2 72 11,346 06 General balance J u l y 1, 1896 Salaries Field, office, etc Library Bulletins Report of Entomologist iJoBTagious diseases of insects Biological Experiment Stat on $3,573 46 1,500 00| 816 58| 495 77 67 001 850 58 1,497 28 $8,800 67
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