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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1898 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
616 UNIVERSITY OF I L L I N O I S . [March 31, Warants—Continued. No. Date. 1897. March 3 To whom. For what. Amount. Kodak and supplies Shafting B. Mercil J. D. Green Work on plankton n e t Chas. W. Groves Encyclopedia J. H. Pollard F. L. Bills Postage Isaac Fielding E x p e n s e s visiting schools J. E. McGilvery Adjusting t r a n s i t Buff & Berber Eimer & Amend Chicago Laboratory & Scale Co Table clamps, etc Magnetic wire, etc Electric Appliance Co .-. ** ** *» • • •* *• 4 4 • 4 * •» « *' 4 « *• •' •• •' *• 4•« « • 14 Circulars Champaign Times C. & TJ. P h o e n i x Telephone Co. Services to J u n e 15 Champaign, County Herald — Printing p r o g r a m s Champaign County Print. Co.. Envelopes, circulars, etf>. Phillips Bros Copies of cut School News & Prac. Educator Advertisement Fencing belts A. G. Spalding & Bros G. W. Sheldon & Co Freight and custom fees C. A. H u n t Carrotts Singbusch & Stoltey Brick U r b a n a Brick Co Polishine, etc Price & Sandford W. F . Marker .'. Paper fasteners Repairing chairs, etc Mittendorf & Kiler Stone C. N. Clark <e Co f P r i n t i n g circulars, etc The Gazette Buffalo Forge Co Motor and disc wheel Books and stationery A. U. McClurg & Co H a u l i n g coal, etc E. H. R e n n e r & Bro Coal Chas. A. Besore Oil S t a n d a r d Oil Co Beakers, tubes, etc Richards & Co • Repairing v ltmeter Gleason & Bailey Mf g Co B u s h i n g s , plugs, etc Steel and iron Williams, White & Co Pamphlets Champaign County Herald P a m p h l e t cases, etc A n d u s & Church Crosby St'm Gauge & Valve Co Mercury guage, etc Photographs Kandler & Gaertner Circular glass discs Steel and beams Jones & Laughlins Taps J a m e s B. Clow & Sons Robinson & B u r r Supplies, etc 1 Hose, etc H u b b a r d & Sons Literary. Index. R. R. Bowker :. Astronomical Soc. of Pacific... Subscription Sewer computer A. S, Aloe & Co Knowlton & Bennett Brushes, etc Tube Builders Iron F o u n d r y W. A. O l m s t e d Scientific Co . . . Concave, convex mirrors, e t c . . . . . . . J.'W. Butler P a p e r Co Chicago Bridge <c Iron Co f E d w a r d G. Howe B. T. Batsford B e r n h Liebsich E. 0 . Vaile Public School P u b l i s h i n g C o . . . Fuller & Fuller Co Library B u r e a u 16 H. M. R. Construction Co 15 H . M. R. Construction Cos Chicago Arch'l Iron Work s Ricker & White W. H. Van Dervoort W. H. J o n e s E u g e n e Davenport W. L. Pillsbury S. W. Shattuck F. L. Bills Paper Bolts Fxpenses Books Advertising Advertising to March 31,1897 Alkali Book case card index, etc Contract and extras library b l d g . . . A r c h i t e c t s ' commission Contract library building, etc Ornamental iron work Architects' commission Expenses 44 44 44 « ** * 4 « 4 * •* '' •• 4 April Mayt « * 4 • * 44 44 4 • ** «• • Postage $18 9014 40 100 5 00 15 00 20 00 100 00 83 69 9 65 10 20 14 50 27 42 12 11 24 65 2 50 45 00 54 50 20 40 10 00 4 16 6 5012 05 3 00 2 00' 4 00 2 25 10 50 15 95 5 50 34 40 177 3886 76 143 51 37 71 10 82 69 31 25 30 9 60 15 45 20 50 2 65 19 06 2 50 6 00 12 02 6 60 11 61 5 28 3 68 5 00 9 00 9 60 75 00 29 00 2 85 3 35 7 80 10 11 111 93 82 3T 10 00 12 50 3 30 65 00 6,130 40 168 92 6,264 25 2,720 00 214 63 9 78 10 00 13 15 47 82: 85 05 120 00 53 00
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