UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1898 [PAGE 160]

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[Jan 30y

Wa rran

No. Date. To whom.


For what. Amount.

1897. 1362 J a n . 30R. S. Doug-lass Salary for J a n u a r y , 1897. 136a W. L. Pillsbury 13644 Geo. W. G r a h a m 1365 M. T. Lindsey 1366 I . H . Allen 1367 F. J. Poote 1368 LillieH.ath 1369 Sue W . F o r d 1370 L. A. Boice 1371 W. F. Marker 1372, Albert R. Lee 13731 J o e Morrow 1374 E. W . J u s t u s 1375 C. B. Ewalt 1376 J o h n Doughty 1377 Richard Uttenweiler 1378 H e n r y J. E a s t 1379 W. R. Hoffman 1380 L. G. Lathrop 1381 J. J. J o h n s o n 1382 < J a s . T. Shaw 1383 A. S. Golden 1384 E. E. Pond 1385 Philip Schwehm 1386 D. Mcintosh 1387 C. V . M i l l a r 1388 Chas. A. Kofoid 1389 Miles Newberry Drawings 1390 Lydia M. H a r t 1391 Bausch & Lomb Optical Co ., Bottles, niters, etc 1392 D. H. L l o v d e & Co W h a t m a n ' s paper 1393 Whitall, T a t u m & Co Vials 1394 LaFayette L u m b e r Mfg Co.. Oak tables 1395 S. N. Wright ; Heifer calves 1396 J N. Craig Calf 1397 F r e d W. Honens Concrete cubes, etc 1398 Geo. W. P r k e r & Son Cases and d r a w e r s 1399 J. T. Wolcott Typewriting 1400 J. E . McGilvrey E x p e n s e s visiting schools ... 1401 Brunswick-Balke Collender CoJ Letter press stand and table. 1402 Electric Appliance Co W i r e , etc 1403 Fairbanks, Morse & Co Scales 1404 Engineering Magizine Subscription.. 1405 V. W. Shuck E x c h a n g e of stove 1406 Dallenbach & Boyle Using calves 1407 E.Henry Leads, oils, etc , 1408 Mcintosh B a t t e r y and Opt'l Co| Pinch cocks and tubing...1409 Chicago Calcium Light Co.. Gas. Filters tubing, etc,.. 1410 R i c h a r d s & Co 1411 Flower pots Detroit Flower Pot Mfg Co.. 1412 T u n i n g pianos Clayton F. S u m m y 1413 Cleaning plates, etc. Mittendorf & Kiler 1414 Sand Sheldon Brick Co 1415 Book C. F. Hotter 1416 Kenyon News and Post'l Sub.Co Subscriptions 1417 Dennison Mfg Co Tags and labels 1418 T. Draper Valves 1419 S t a n d a r d Oil Co Oil.. 1420 E n g i n e e r i n g Record Subscription, 1897 1421 Maltby & Wallace Co Iron, steel, etc 1422 F. B. Stevens Coke basket, etc 1423 Music Carl Fischer 1424 Copies of the Illini , The I l l i n i . . . . . . : 1425| Mercury t u b e s E i m e r & Amend 1426; F e b . The H. M, R. Construction Co. Contract, library building. 1427 H e a t i n g contract, library building, B. F. S t u r t e v a n t C o . . ; 1428 Architects' commission Ricker & White 1429! Coal , Odin Coal Co. 1430| N e b r a s k a E x p e r i m e n t Station. Barometer and case 1431 Crash, muslin, etc G. C.Willis 1432 P r i n t i n g , etc Champaign County Herald 1433 Notebooks, etc.... D. H. Lloyde & iSou 1434 Blast torches Robinson & B u r r 1435 L a u n d r y i n g towels E m p i r e Steam L a u n d r y 1436 Central Union Telephone C o . . . Services, March 31,1897 1437) Scales, stationery, etc A. P. C u n n i n g h a m & Son

$75 00' 116 6& 100 00 35 00 35 00 75 00' 60 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 20 00 75 00 30 00 20 00 50 00 50 00 40 00 37 00 32 00 32 00 32 00 32 00 32 00 27 00 50 00 60 00 100 00 . 20 00 43 35 63 266 7 112 50 2 12 149 20 16 13 39 12 3 5 22 42 4 5 18 13 22 3 . 1 1 20 7 8 11 5 58 8 8 20 3 6,044 638 170 708 60 32 51 16 2 3 5 5 75 7950 00 00' 50 00 20 2800 71 40 00 00 0013: 27 25 06 84 50 00 50 69 35 36. 25 20 00 27 7293 00 50 00 00 10 3900 54 00 60 25 18 00 05.