Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1898 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

123 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. [ J u n e 9,.. Paper B—State Appropriations—Concluded. Received. Expended Balance. Assigned. Cabinets— Geology General IFnassigned ; $400 00 600 00 1,000 00| $2. 000 00 $46 10 j 600 00 1,000 00 $353 901 Si. 646. 101 846 10 600 00• $616 10- College of Engineering— Machine shops Mechanical engineering Electrical engineering and physics Civil engineering Laboratory of anplied mechanics and m n nicipal and sanitary engineering Architecture College of E n g i n e e r i n g $17,008 05! $17,008 04 3,104 85 2,997 79j 3,829 85! 3.456 62 1.852 42 1,785 90 1,852 42' 1,752 42 600 00 $30,000 00 1,424 40 1.523 50 370 12 $28.566 37 $1,191 77 448 07 631 031 375 92 421 13 1,007 06 272 $4,347 94 $107 06 373 23 66 52 428 021 228 9^ 229 88 $1,433 63 $107 06 373 23 06 52 428 02 228 92 229 88,433 63 Furnishing and fitting Engineering HallElectric w i r i n g . Civil engineering Architecture Municipal and sanitary e n g i n e e r i n g . . . Mecnanical d e p a r t m e n t Electrical engineering and physics College, library, parlor, etc $1,191 77 478 43 770 38 401 30 563 78! ,193 39 1, 400 95 $5,000 0 1 $30 139 25 142 186 127 361 35 38 65 33 99 $30 139 25 142 186 127 36 35 38 65 33; 99 $652 06 $652 06 P A P E R C—UNITED STATES FUND. March 31.1897—Tear ending June 30,1897. Salaries for instruction.. Received. Expended. $22,000 00 $22,000 00 Balance. Assigned.. P A P E R D—LABORATOHY OP N A T U R A L H I S T O R Y . March 31, 1897. General balance J u l y 1, 1897..., Salaries Field, office, etc ; Library Bulletins Report of Entomologist Contagious diseases of i n s e r t s Biological E x p e r i m e n t Station Received. Expended, $246 73 3,650 00 1,500 00 1,000 00 500 00 250 00 1.500 00 1,500 00 $10,146 73 Balance. $246 73 1,078 85; 213 42 Assigned. $246 73 1,078 85 213 42 473 98 4 23 183 00 778 83 2 72 $2,981 76 $2,571 15 1,286 581 526 02 495 77 67 00 721 17 1,497 28 $7,164 97 473 4 183 778 2 981 23 00 83 72 : 76