Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1896 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

m UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. A cadet rifle of the magazine pattern should replace the obsolete ones now in use. The drill ground is rather small for extended order drill. The lack of time and space for this and practical instruction in minor tactics, is a drawback not peculiar to this, but common to most colleges. To overcome it a summer encampment of the cadets of colleges in the same state is a desirable but hardly attainable goal. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, DAVID J. BAKER, J R . , 1st Lieutenant 15th CATALOGUE AND ADVERTISING. Infantry. I respectfully recommend the appropriation of $2,000 for the publication of the next annual catalogue and for other publications calculated to bring the University to the knowledge of the people of the state. LECTURES. I respectfully recommend the appropriation of the sum of $1,000.00 for the purpose of meeting the expenses of a course of lectures upon special topics of interest in the work of the University, by persons of well known prominence in similar work elsewhere, such lectures to be delivered at the chapel of the University and to be free. CURRENT UNIVERSITY PUBLICATIONS. For several years the Board of Trustees has appropriated $500.00 to assist in defraying the expenses of the Illini, a students' publication which has been sent to all the high schools of the state. This publication has reflected much credit upon the student body during the last year. In appearance it has ranked with any similar publication in the country. It has been partially devoted to the publication of papers of permanent educational value, prepared by members of the Faculty or by students, but more largely to items of University news and information. In the management of the Illini the University authorities have intentionally absolved themselves from responsibility. As far as we have been disposed to go in that direction has been to make sure that nothing was introduced into its columns which was calculated to reflect upon any University interest. It seems to me the time has come when we may advantageously change the University policy in this regard. To that end I recommend the appropriation of $300.00 to the management of the Illini, upon condition that a copy of the paper be sent to each of the high schools of the state upon a list furnished from the Registrar's office, and not exceeding 400 in number. In view of a second recommendation wnich I shall make in this connection, I think it would be specially advantageous to the Illini if it should be published in less expensive form and should only attempt to cover fields of current University news. I also recommend that the University begin with the fall term the publication of a magazine to be devoted almost exclusively to papers of permanent educational value prepared by persons connected with the University, and that the sum of $800.00 be set apart for defraying the expenses of the same. During the last year we have had a considerable number of papers which were well deserving of publication and which have not found their way into print for lack of provision for the same. I feel confident that a publication of this character would not only stimulate all the departments of this University, but would reflect credit upon us abroad. UNIVERSITY MILITARY BAND. I have found continual annoyance during the year from the fact that members of the senior and junior classes,, who had rendered service in the battalion during their freshman and sophomore years, and who were no longer