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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1896 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

PROCEEDINGS OF BOARD OF TRUSTEES. 297 Natural Financial Statement of the Illinois State Laboratory of History, for the fiscal year ending June SO, 1896. RECEIPTS. Balance from last report For field, office, and incidental expenses F o r improvement of library For salaries and assistance F o r illustration of State Entomologist's report F o r publication of bulletins For investigation of insect disease F o r one-half expense of Biological Station of University of 111 — * EXPENDITURES. $271 01 1,500 00 1,000 00 3,650 00 250 00 500 00 1,500 001 1,500 00 F o r field, office, and incidental expenses For improvement of library For salaries and assistance F o r lapsed to t r e a s u r y from appropriation for illustration of State Entomologist's r e p o r t F o r publication of bulletins F o r investigation of insect disease F o r one-half expense of Biological Station of University of 111 Balance $10,171 01 $1,500 00 1,000 00 3,631 96 250 500 1,500 1,500 289 (M> 00 00 00 05 $10,171 01 Financial Statement of the Agricultural Experiment Station, versity of Illinois, for the year ending June SO, 1896. RECEIPTS. Uni- Appropriated by Congress Balance, other funds F r o m State Board of Agriculture for analyses of fertilizers F r o m Station farm, etc EXPENDITURES. $204 49 140 00 2,904 53 $91 06 248 71 80 33 48 25 1,307 60 642 53 211 82 128 32 9 95 119 45 6,531 m 83 56 858 47 4,399 14 224 15 15 00 $3,082 74 166 28 $15,000 00•» 3,249 02 $18,249 02 Board expense Books and publication Botanical a p p a r a t u s Buildings and repairs Bulletins Chemical a p p a r a t u s and supplies F u e l and lights Incidentals Meteorological a p p a r a t u s P r i n t i n g , stationery, and postage Salaries Tools and supplies Wages Special expenditures on wood durability, and field experiments on t h e peculiar clay soil found in a p a r t of Southern Illinois F a r m stock O t h e r funds Balance, other funds ' 15,000 W $3,249 02 $18,249 02
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