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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1896 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

PROCEEDINGS OF BOARD OF TRUSTEES. DEPARTMENTS OF PHYSICS AND ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. 1ST Touching the instructional force, I recommend; 1. That for the rest of the year, at least, the work in the department of physics, be divided into two departments, to be known as (a) physics, and. (b) electrical engineering. 2. That Mr. Fred A. Sager, instructor in physics, be promoted to the rank of assistant professor of physics, with a salary of $1,100 per year, and that for the rest of the year, or until otherwise ordered, he be placed in charge of the department of physics. 3. That Mr. Burton E. Moore be appointed instructor in physics at a salary of $80 per month until the first of July next. 4. That assistant professor Bernard V. Swenson be placed in charge of the department of electrical engineering for the rest of the year. 5. That William Esty, instructor in electrical engineering, be promoted to the rank of assistant professor in electrical engineering at a salary of $1,100 per year. 6. That the foregoing action take effect from November 1, 1895. 7. That authority be given the president to employ an instructor in electrical engineering through the winter and spring terms at not to exceed $80 per month. A. S. DRAPER, President. T h e s e r e c o m m e n d a t i o n s , with r e g a r d to t h e d e p a r t m e n t s of p h y sics a n d electrical e n g i n e e r i n g , were referred to t h e C o m m i t t e e o n I n s t r u c t i o n , a n d later, u p o n approval of t h i s C o m m i t t e e , were a d o p t e d b y t h e Board. LIBRARY POLICY. For the purpose of determining the library policy of the University, it is recommended— 1. That all books, pamphlets, maps, etc. (other than account books), purchased with university moneys, shall be deemed to belong to the University library. 2. That all parts of the library shall be in the custody of the Librarian and he shall be responsible for the condition of the same. 3. That all reference books and all periodicals, magazines, and newspapers shall be made as easy of access as practicable to all patrons of the library, and that no limitations not necessary to their preservation shall be placed upon their free use. 4. That all other books, except such as are referred to in the next paragraph, shall be delivered for use by the Librarian or assistant only, upon a proper call. 5. That books which are purely technical and relate only to the work of a single department may be taken to that department under such regulations and for such time as the Librarian may determine; but he shall not thereby cease to be responsible for their safe keeping and proper use. 6. The Librarian may make and enforce such rules for the government of the library as are approved by the President. A. S. DRAPER, President. T h e s e r e c o m m e n d a t i o n s were referred to t h e C o m m i t t e e on L i b r a r y a n d later d u r i n g t h e session of t h e B o a r d were r e t u r n e d with t h e approval of t h e C o m m i t t e e , a n d were t h e n a d o p t e d b y t h e Board.
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